I N D E X 6 6 5
Fleischer, Richard (1849–1922): offers funds
for: Leonhard Grebe and Albert Bachem’s
work, 331–332, 596c; practical application of
theory of relativity, 319
Fliess, Bernhard, 493
Fluorescence, of uranyl salts, 228
Foerster, Wilhelm, asks AE to sign Aufruf für
die Unabhängigkeit des Geistes, 575c
Fokker, Adriaan (1887–1972): xxxvii, xlix, 112,
145, 247, 264, 502; congratulates AE, 236; in
sanatorium in Arosa, 110, 117, 166, 166n,
238, 262, 295; on energy components of
gravitational field, 41; on invariance of elec-
tron orbits in Weyl’s theory, 112, AE on, 118;
on League of Nations, 236; on Weyl’s theory,
Fokker-Kessler, Margaretha, 112n, 296n
Fontane, Theodor (1819–1898): 351; Effi Briest,
Foreign purchases of German furniture and art,
Foreign scholars, AE on harsh judgment against
German colleagues, 163
Forsch, Robert (1871–1948), 188
Försterling, Karl: 569c; requests KWIP funds for
research instruments, granted, 563c; requests
KWIP funds for research on refractive index
and absorption coefficient of metals in IR re-
gion, 557c, granted, 560c
Fourth dimension: psychological world as, 554c;
time as, 556c
Fowler, Alfred (1868–1940), on daytime obser-
vation of gravitational light deflection, 244
France: against Austria joining Germany, 143;
childish behavior of, AE on, 513; coal short-
age in, 281; deploring role of, AE on, 387
France, Anatole (1844–1924), 416
Franck, James (1882–1964): 366, 368, 377, 397–
398, 434n; electron impact method of, 368;
requests KWIP funds for electron impact
measurements, 612c, granted 613c
Francke, pastor (1864–1938), 71
Frank, K., 613c
Frank, Philipp (1884–1966): 212; asks AE for
recommendation for successor to Lampa, 77
Frankfurter Gesellschaft für Handel, Industrie
und Wissenschaft, 611c
Franz, (?), 434n
Free German Youth Movement. See Freideut-
sche Jugendbewegung
Freedom for individuals, AE on, 578c
Frei, Paul, 609c
Freideutsche Jugendbewegung, 34n
Freie Hochschulgemeinde für proletarische Kul-
tur, 299n
Freie Vereinigung deutscher Gewerkschaften,
French intellectuals, assist private commission to
investigate German war crimes, 120
French Physical Society, 172n
French prisoner of war camps, German experi-
ences in, 185n, 483
French publishers, against German book trade,
Freundes-Rat des Internationalen Jugendbundes,
Freundlich, Erwin (1885–1964): xxxii, xxxix,
xli, 13, 86, 108n, 158n, 158, 191, 246, 263–
264, 274, 359, 374, 386, 531, 552c, 554c,
561c, 564c, 579c, 587c, 591c, 595c, 596c,
614c, 616c; as AE’s problem child, 107; asks
AE for assistance with position, 156–157;
book on relativity, 140, 177, AE on, 156, En-
glish edition, 320, 328, 336, AE asks for
higher royalties for, 346, 390–391; eclipse
expedition of 1914, 305; fears militarization
of Geodetic Institute, 191, 195n; and Grebe
and Bachem, 325; offers condolences on
Pauline Einstein’s death, 441; on funding ex-
perimental research in general relativity,
583c, 603c; on gravitational stellar redshift,
25–26, and solar redshift, 335–336; on posi-
tion at Astrophysical Observatory, Potsdam,
177, 278; report on his work, 335–336, 569c;
requests budgeted funds and reimbursement,
447; requests KWIP funds for microphotom-
eter, 551c, granted, 552c; salary, 278, 559c,
587c; visits Haenisch, 604c; visits Oppen-
heim, 157, 174
Freundlich-Hirschberg, Käthe, 158n, 159n
Freytag, G., 446
Fricke, Hermann, 53c
Fried, Alfred H. (1864–1921), 103n, 203n
Friedemann, Ulrich, 434n
Friedlaender, Benedict: xlii; Machian experi-
ment by, 250
Friedlaender, Immanuel: xlii; Machian experi-
ment by, 250
Füchtbauer, Christian (1877–1959), 72n, 149n,
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