6 7 0 I N D E X
Johnsen, Arrien (1877–1934): 75; asks AE for
recommendations for successor to Weber, 74;
proposes Schlick to professorship at Univer-
sity of Kiel, 75; asks AE for recommenda-
tions for Becker, Gans, Harms, Koch,
Madelung, Valentiner, Weber, Zahn, 74
Jong van Beek en Donk, Benjamin de (1881–
1948): 231; and Lille booklet, 232
Jonsson, Axel, 597c
Joseph, Dr., 185
Josephson, Ernst, 572c
Julius, Willem H. (1860–1925): 145, 247, 269n,
470, 498; on anomalous dispersion as cause
of redshift: xxxvii, 248, 267, 287; AE on,
272; recommends AE for Nobel prize, 418n,
Juliusburger, (?), 459n
Kaiser, Josef: 604c, 608c; requests KWG re-
search funds for producing electrical power
directly from heat, pending, 609c
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft (KWG): applica-
tion for research funds for producing electri-
cal power directly from heat, 604c, pending,
609c; beer party, 578c; funding of KWIP,
570c; new regulations after abdication of
Wilhelm II, 550c
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Physik (KWIP): ac-
count statements, 561c, 609c, 593c; adminis-
trative correspondence, 554c, 559c, 564c,
565c, 566c, 569c, 570c, 575c, 576c, 577c,
579c, 585c, 586c, 587c, 591c, 595c, 600c,
606c, 608c, 615c; AE as director of xlvii–
xlviii; allocation criticized, 68; budget, 559c,
563c, 566c, 569c, 609c; call for research pro-
posals, 73, 555c; Haider request for informa-
tion on funding, 551c; endowment for, by
Koppel, 13n; policy of funding, changes,
568c; Mie inquires about research funds, 98;
remuneration for Radtke, 563c, 598c, 602c;
report for 1918 requested, 13; salary raise to
secretary, 579c; typewriter, 556c, 559c, 561c.
See also Freundlich, Erwin
FUNDING: 551c; by Born,
229, Stern, 229; acoustic research, 127–
128; air pump, 589c, pending, 615c; re-
search on atmospheric physics, 565c, re-
jected, 566c; diffusion pump, 581c,
rejected, 583c; electrometer, 563c,
rejected, 566c, granted, 613c; electron im-
pact measurements, 612c, granted, 613c;
equipment for research on high-frequency
resonance in iron-containing circuits,
557c, rejected, 561c; geophysical instru-
ments, 579c, rejected, 581c; high-voltage
batteries for X-ray spectroscopy, 556c,
granted, 560c; instruments for photoelec-
tric measurements in astrophysics, 557c,
rejected, 561c; instruments to measure el-
ementary electric charge, 558c, granted,
560c, 568c; measurement of capacities
and dielectric constants, 556c, granted,
560c; measurement of molecular veloci-
ties, vapor pressure, molecular diffusion,
X-ray spectroscopy, 571c; mercury for re-
search on light emission of atoms 556c,
562c, granted, 561c, 563c; meteorological
station, 556c, rejected, 561c; micropho-
tometer for redshift measurements, 551c,
granted, 552c; photochemical research,
601c, granted, 613c; production of short
wavelength electric waves, 557c, granted,
560c, 562c; quartz spectrograph, 337,
granted, 613c; research stipend, 21, reject-
ed, 562c; for research: in quantum theory
of monatomic gases, 19, rejected, 561c;
on crystal structure of metals and alloys,
556c, 567c, granted, 560c, rejected, 567c;
on heat conductivity of commercial insu-
lators, 566c, rejected, 566c; on Stark ef-
fect, 558c, granted, 560c, 568c; on
influence of magnetic field on intensity of
band spectra, granted, 568c; on influence
of magnetic field on molecular forces in
liquid crystals, 555c, 558c, rejected, 562c;
on influence of magnetic field on spectral
lines, 557c; on photoelectricity and X-
rays, 559c, granted, 560c, 567c; on refrac-
tive index and absorption coefficient of
metals in IR region, 557c, granted, 560c;
on specific heat of solids at low tempera-
ture, 557c, granted, 560c, 567c; on theory
of radiometer, 559c, granted, 560c, 568c;
for spectroscopic instruments, 569c,
granted, 613c; for spectroscopic measure-
ments (redshift), 38, granted, 561c; for
stipend, 555c, 563c, 579c, rejected, 68,
564c; for X-ray spectroscopy, 560c,
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