C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9 5 7 5
1-page TLC to Mendelssohn & Co. Requests 500 M for the
expenses of KWIP. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34,
Nr. 8, Mappe Mendelssohn. [77 881].
1-page TLS to Ministry of Education. Thanks for the
3,000 M support (see entry of 9 August). Provenance:
GyBSa, I. HA, Rep. 76 Vc, Sekt. 2, Tit. 23, Litt. F, Nr. 2,
Bd. 14, Bl. 272. [82 202].
August 25 1-page ALS from Mendelssohn & Co. Remit the 500 M
requested on 23 August. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt.,
Rep. 34, Nr. 8, Mappe Mendelssohn. [77 882].
September 1-page TLS from Wilhelm Foerster in Bornim bei Potsdam.
Asks to sign Romain Rolland’s appeal and distribute it
among individuals considered appropriate for the purpose.
The appeal, a French move of reconciliation among nations,
was sent to about one thousand leading personalities in Ger-
many. Provenance: IsJHU. [82 574]. For the appeal, see
Doc. 68; on Einstein’s reasons for signing it, see Doc. 92.
1-page ALS to Oskar Lüdeke. Einstein’s nephew Hans
Meyer will take the Maturitätsprüfung in Lüdeke’s Gymna-
sium. In order to avoid the boy’s undoing, informs the teach-
ers that Meyer stutters. Provenance: Archiv der Hermann-
Ehlers Oberschule, Berlin. [83 015].
September 3 1-page PTr of AKS to Eduard Hartmann. Hears that the
photographs taken by the two British eclipse expeditions are
good but the results of their evaluation have not yet been
published. Provenance: Scientific Library Service, New
York, Catalog 56, item 9a. [12 162].
September 6 1-page TLC to Mendelssohn & Co. Thanks them for send-
ing the money on 25 August and encloses the statement of
account for period 1 February to 1 September 1919. Prove-
nance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 8, Mappe Mendelssohn.
[77 883].
September 9 2-page TLS to KWG. Asks KWIP board of trustees to allow
Walter Steubing and Georg Wendt to use 2,050 M of the
10,000 M for the purchase of a spectrometer lens. Prove-
nance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 1657. [77 292].
1-page TL to Walter Steubing in Aachen. Informs of the
remittance of 2,050 M. KWIP will lend him and Georg
Wendt the apparatus as long as they need it. Provenance:
GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 10, Mappe Steubing. [77 638].