I N D E X 6 7 1
granted, 560c
FOR: electrometer, 613c;
electron impact measurements, 613c;
mathematical calculations, 101, 560c;
measurement of capacities and dielectric
constants, 560c; measurement of elemen-
tary electric charge, 560c, 568c; mercury
for research on light emission of atoms,
561c, 563c; microphotometer, 552c, 554c;
photochemical research, 613c; Physikali-
sche Berichte, 598c, 603c; quartz spec-
trograph, 613c; redshift measurements,
564c; research instruments, 563c; research
on: specific heat of solids at low tempera-
ture, 567c; electrical oscillations, 567c; in-
fluence of magnetic field on intensity of
band spectra, 568c; photoelectricity and X-
rays, 560c, 567c; radiation formula, 561c,
571c, 576c; refractive index and absorp-
tion coefficient of metals in IR region,
560c; specific heat of solids at low temper-
ature, 560c; theory of radiometer, 560c,
568c; solar redshift measurements, 591c;
spectroscopic research, 560c, 613c; ther-
mal research of solid amorphous substanc-
es, 560c; X-ray spectroscopy, 559c, 560c,
562c, 567c
Kalähne, Alfred (1874–1946), 127
Kaluza, Theodor (1885–1954): xli, l–li, 76, 81n;
five-dimensional unified field theory of, l,
38–40, 44, 46, 56–57, 65–68
Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike (1853–1926): 55, 150,
247, 362, 414, 422n, 457, 469–470, 471n,
497; congratulates AE, 582c; helps AE get
Dutch visa, 182–183, 482, 503, 507; low tem-
perature physics, discussion with AE, 321,
363, 418; on special professorship for AE at
University of Leyden, 145, 286, 417–418,
502; recommends AE for Nobel prize, 418n,
Kammerer, Paul (1880–1926): 449, 451, 505,
512; on biological selection, and inheritabili-
ty of dialects, 505–506
Kang-fuh Hu, 237
Kant Society, general assembly, 493, 532, 611c
Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804): 520, 559c; AE on
conception of time of, 155; and relativity,
Reichenbach on, 510; Rosenthal-Schneider
on, 342
Kantstudien, 44, 51
Kapp Putsch: xliv, 479n, 487n, 487, 494n, 507,
527n; AE on, 483; University of Berlin
closed during, 486
Kapp, Wolfgang (1858–1922), 479n
Kármán, Theodor von (1881–1963), 463
Karr, Albert (1869–1927), 345, 554c
Karr, Hans, 554c
Karrer, Paul (1889–1971), 383n
Kartell der deutschen Akademien, 180, 578c
Katz, David (1884–1953), 445
Katz, Frau, 478
Katzenstein, Moritz (1872–1932): 434n; sails
with AE, 147
Kaufmann, Walter (1871–1947): 564c; requests
KWIP funds for apparatus for high frequency
currents, granted, 560c; requests KWIP funds
for research on production of short wave-
length electric waves, 557c, granted, 560c,
Kautsky, Karl (1854–1938), 59, 71
Kautsky, Luise, 43n
Kautzsch, Rudolf (1868-1945), on problems of
obtaining scholarly literature, 514
Kayser, Heinrich (1853–1940), search for suc-
cessor of, 72n, 149n, 217
Kessler, Harry Count (1868–1937): 203n, 576c;
books for Russia, 578c; on Fabian Society,
Keyserling, Hermann Count von (1880–1946),
76n, 392
Kiel Autumn Week for Arts and Sciences, 612c
Kirschbaum, Heinz, 577c, 579c, 598c, 608c
Klein, Felix (1849–1925): 3n, 8n, 35–36, 101n,
111, 230n, 350n, 602c; as editor of Annalen
der Physik, 535; as editor of Mathematische
Annalen, 317; on AE’s work on general rela-
tivity, 40–41; on physics at University of
Göttingen, 535; editing his mathematical pa-
pers, 40, 535
Kleiner, Alfred (1849–1916), 489n
Klossowski, Erich (1875–1949), 392
Kluyver, Jan C., 321n
Knapp, Fritz, 261n, 585c
Knopf, Otto (1856–1945), 207, 219
Knudsen, Martin, 176n, 554c, 598c, 611c; nom-
inated as corresponding member of PAW,
Koch photometer, 330, 561c
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