5 5 8 C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9
between April 11 and Delivers a 1.5-hour popular lecture on “Grundgedanken der
April 15 Relativitätstheorie” in the Viktoria-Luisen-Schule at the
invitation of Sozialistischer Studentenverein to raise money
for the organization. Provenance:Vossische Zeitung,15 April
1919, EE.
April 13 1-page ALS from Otto Lehmann, Karlsruhe. Because of his
involuntary retirement, requests a larger, unspecified sum
from the KWIP to continue his research. Provenance: GyBP,
I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 7, Mappe Lehmann. [77 848].
April 14 2-page TLS from Erich Regener, Berlin, requesting
6–7,000 M from KWIP for a high-voltage source and a
heavy-current Wimshurst machine to measure the elemen-
tary electric charge. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr.
9, Mappe Regener. [77 586].
2-page ALS from Georg Wendt, Aachen. A quartz spec-
trograph as well as an optical spectrograph that he had used
before his work was interrupted at the outbreak of the war
are no longer available to him since Stark’s departure for a
new position in Greifswald. Requests 10–12,000 M (8–
10,000 of which are needed for a Rowland grating, and may
be in form of the grating itself) from KWIP for his research
on thespectra of metals and the influence of the electric field
on spectral lines. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr.
11, Mappe Wendt. [77 666].
Allies invite German delegation to Versailles to receive, but
not negotiate, the terms of the peace treaty.
after April 15 Auguste Hauschner, on Martin Buber’s initiative, may have
approached Einstein with a request to join a commission,
consisting of Martin Buber, [Richard] Dehmel, Dumont,
Fritz Mauthner, [Alfred] Mombert, Sussmann (Susman?),
that would prepare an appeal on behalf of the incarcerated
Gustav Landauer, who had joined Kurt Eisner’s revolution-
ary government in Munich, was sentenced to death (see also
Doc. 246), and was eventually lynched on 2 May. (Buber to
Auguste Hauschner, 15 April 1919, and Fritz Mauthner to
Auguste Hauschner, 19 April 1919, in Beradt and Bloch-
Zavrzel 1929, pp. 184–185; Martin Buber to Fritz Mauthner,
letters of 15, 19, and 22 April in Landauer 1929).
April 16 3-page ALS from Otto Lehmann in Karlsruhe. Sends
another reprint to KWIP, and suggests a molecular explana-
tion for the effect of electromagnetic induction. Provenance:
GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 8, Mappe Lehmann. [77 849].