5 7 6 C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9
September 10 Receives a copy of Sellien 1919, in which Ewald Sellien
inscribes the following dedication: “Herrn Prof. A. Einstein
in Hochachtung und Verehrung E. Sellien 10.9.19.” Einstein
writes mostly sharply critical remarks in the margins of
14 pages of the 57-page dissertation. Provenance: IsJHU.
[74 345].
September 12 1-page TLC to “Demokratischer Klub” in Berlin. After hav-
ing returned from a trip he found their invitation (see entry
of 19 August). He cannot join them because he does not
have time to attend their meetings regularly. Provenance:
IsJHU. [43 518].
1-page TLS from Wilhelm Meinhardt in Berlin, lawyer and
member of the board of the Auergesellschaft, informs that
payments to Einstein will be disbursed no sooner than after
next month’s council meeting. Provenance: IsJHU.
[44 425].
2-page TDft from Max Planck in Berlin. Heinrich Rubens
will receive 5,000 M from KWIP; the remission of 4,000 M
to Emil Warburg (see entry of 24 June) will be postponed
due to difficulties in proposed testing of the radiation for-
mula. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 1657.
[77 293].
September 13 Nicolai Rubakin suggests that Einstein, Harry Count
Kessler, and Georg Nicolai form a German committee to
supervise his soon-to-be founded institute named “Intellec-
tus et Labor.” Provenance: Kessler 1961, p. 200.
September 15 2-page TLS from Vieweg publishing house. The stock of the
3d edition of Einstein 1917a (Vol. 6, Doc. 42) is running
out, therefore ask consent to a new printing in 3,000 copies.
An engineer from Vienna offers to translate the book into
Hungarian. Provenance: IsJHU. [42 004].
September 16 1-page DS to KWIP board of trustees. The bank account in
Aachen belongs only to Walter Steubing. Provenance:
GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 1657. [77 294].
September 18 1-page TLS to Vieweg publishing house. Wants to make
corrections and additions to the planned new edition of Ein-
stein 1917a (Vol. 6, Doc. 42). Has nothing against a Hun-
garian edition (see entry of 15 September). Provenance:
IsJHU. [42 005].