C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 0 6 1 5
ence, German as the language of his lectures. Proposes
autumn for the visit. Provenance: IsJHU. [44 763].
3-page TLS from Vieweg publishing house. Agrees with
Einstein’s objections to the contract (see entry of 27 April).
The Methuen publishing house wishes to pay for the copies
sold; Vieweg, however, for copies printed. Vieweg is pre-
pared to assist Einstein with the 1.5 cent per copy if Meth-
uen declines to accept an extra honorarium for the addenda.
There are only some 800 copies of the 8th edition of Ein-
stein 1917a (Vol. 6, Doc. 42) in stock. Vieweg intends a 9th
edition pending availability of paper supply. The earlier edi-
tions were made possible by postponing the publication of
other books. Asks whether Einstein wishes to publish
addenda to the English edition in the next German edition.
Provenance: IsJHU. [42 037].
April 29 2-page TD to Mendelssohn & Co. Requests 1,000 M for
expenses, and attaches the accounts for the period Decem-
ber 1919 to April 1920. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34,
Nr. 13. [77 696], [77 697].
1-page TLS from Springer publishing house. Sends twenty-
five copies of Einstein 1920j as well as ten copies of its
Dutch edition, printed in 500 copies. The Dutch copies were
sent to Paul Ehrenfest in Leyden. Provenance: IsJHU. [41
1060]; and TLC, GyHeidS, Mappe Einstein, E-24. [71 433].
April 30 Tgm to Paul Ehrenfest: “Einreisebewilligung beschleu-
nigen = Einstein.” Provenance: IsJHU. [9 483].
1-page TLS to KWIP board of trustees. Asks for resolution
on the grants approved at the 22 April meeting of the board
of directors (see entry for this date). Provenance: GyBP,
I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 1657. [77 314].
1-page TLC to Rudolf Seeliger. The KWIP board of direc-
tors could not come to a decision about his request because
parts of his letter were illegible. Requests another applica-
tion and prefers to grant support for an up-to-date and
inexpensive mercury pump rather than an air pump that
Seeliger requested in mid-December 1919 (see entry for this
date). Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 10, Mappe
Seeliger. [77 616].