5 6 6 C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9
4-page TLS from Wilhelm von Siemens to Friedrich Glum.
Complains about the lack of a trustees’ meeting on the
research proposals submitted to the KWIP. A budget for the
fiscal year has not been submitted since the founding of the
institute. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 1665,
Bl. 27–30. [77 952].
May 15 At the plenary session of PAW, delivers a talk on “Eine
Veranschaulichung der Verhältnisse im sphärischen Raum”
(see also Vol. 7, Doc. 52, especially note 31) and “Über die
Feldgleichungen der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie vom
Standpunkte des kosmologischen Problems und des Pro-
blems der Konstitution der Materie.” This latter is a sum-
mary of the paper submitted to the plenary session on 10
April (Vol. 7, Doc. 17). Provenance: Königlich Preußische
Akademie der Wissenschaften (Berlin). Sitzungsberichte
(1919): 463.
May 16 1-page TLS to Wilhelm Hallwachs in Dresden. KWIP does
not have any more funds for the apparatus requested. Prove-
nance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 4, Mappe Hallwachs.
[78 069].
1-page TLS to Christian Jensen in Hamburg. KWIP does
not have any more funds to support him. Provenance: GyBP,
I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 5, Mappe Jensen. [78 094].
3-page TLS from Siegfried Valentiner in Clausthal. Asks
around 2,000 M from KWIP for his research on heat con-
ductivity of insulators of commercial importance. Prove-
nance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 11, Mappe Valentiner.
[77 650].
May 20 1-page TL to Siegfried Valentiner in Clausthal. KWIP does
not have any more funds, and even if they did, Valentiner’s
research would not be supported because it is of technical
rather than purely scientific interest. Provenance: GyBP,
I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 11, Mappe Valentiner. [77 652].
1-page TLS from M[achula] to Otto Radtke. Forwards Wil-
helm von Siemens’s question to Radtke (see entry of 2 May)
regarding the interest income. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt.,
Rep. 34, Nr. 1665, Bl. 31. [82 740].
May 22 1-page TL to Peter Debye in Göttingen. Asks for a list of
items and approximate prices bought with KWIP funds.
Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 1, Mappe Debye.
[77 991].