I N D E X 6 6 9
Stern, 464; visits in Switzerland, 87
Hiller, Kurt (1885–1972), 106n
Himstedt, Franz, requests KWIP funds for mete-
orological station, 556c, rejected, 561c
Hindenburg, Paul von (1847–1934), and “stab-
in-the-back” legend, 238n
Hirzel publishing house. See Publishers
Hnatek, Adolf (1876–1960), 336
Hochberger, Auguste (1867–1936): 119, 138,
201; offers condolences on Pauline Einstein’s
death, 442; visits Pauline Einstein, 147, 172
Hochdorf, Max (1880–1948), 33
Hochheim, Ernst (1876–?), 177
Hochschule für Proletarier, AE on, 299
Hodann, Max (1894–1946), 43n, 71, 422n
Hoff, Jacobus H. van ’t (1852–1911), 502
Hoffmann, Johannes, 63n
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von (1874–1929), 392, 394
Hofsäss, Max, 570c, 574c
Holder, Roland: 69; on Hans Albert Einstein, 78
Holst, Helge (1871–1944): paper by, 351, Schlick
on, 529
Holtzmann, Robert (1873–1946), 106
Hopf, Ludwig (1884–1939), 404
Hort, Wilhelm (1878–1938): 250; on Lense–Thirring
effect, xli
Huber, Frieda (1880–?): 129–131, 139n, 147,
171, 219n, 304n; arrives in Berlin, 339,
Huguenin, Gustav (1840–1920), 512
Humboldt, Alexander von (1769–1859), 476
Humboldt, Wilhelm von (1767–1835), 476
Hunger: in Germany, xlii, 29, 253, AE on, 139,
260, 496, 498; in Russia, 204
Hurwitz, Adolf (1859–1919), 11n, 271
Hurwitz, Eva (1896–1942), 242
Hurwitz, Ida (1864–1951), 241, 572c
Huygens, Christiaan (1629–1695), 502
Idealistic positivism, of Vaihinger, 43
Imes, Elmer (1882–1941), measurement of rota-
tion bands, 458n
Induction, electromagnetic, symmetry of, Leh-
mann on, 562c
Inertia, relativity of, 110–111, 117–118, 247
Inheritance: of acquired characteristics, 506; of
dialects, 505–506
Institut international de physique, 114, 115n
Institut Pasteur, 333
Institute of Radium Research, Vienna, Lawson’s
wartime work at, 436
Intellectuals, past and current, AE on, 264
Intellectus et Labor, Rubakin’s institute, 576c
Intermolecular forces, in metal lattice, 86n
International Committee of the Red Cross, 205n
International Institute of Physics. See Institut in-
ternational de physique
International reconciliation: AE’s doubts on,
134–135; through personal contacts, AE on,
135, 511
International Society of Amateur Astronomers
(Ingedelia), popular lectures on Albert-Ein-
stein-Spende, 613c
Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Frei-
heit, 34n, 203n
Internationale Vereinigung für Mutterschutz und
Sexualreform, 34n
Internationalism, and Jewishness, AE on, 181
Invariance of electron orbits, in Weyl’s theory,
Ion mobility, 460
Iring, G., 192
Istanbul: University, 213n; Robert College, 213n
Jabotinsky, Vladimir (1880–1940), 198n
Jacobson, Victor (1869–1935), 181n
Jaffé, George (1880–1965), 349
Jäger, Gustav (1865–1938), 398–399, 428
Jagor Foundation, 569c
Jahnke, Eugen, 297n, 309
Jakob, Max (1879–1955), 14
Janke, Johannes (1884–1969), 34
Japanese Navy: acquires German submarines,
237; employs German navy officers, 237
Jeans, James, 370n
Jensen, Christian: 569c; requests KWIP funds
for atmospheric physics, 565c, rejected, 566c
Jewell, Lewis E., xxxvii
Jewish students, Eastern European, 433
Jewish Territorial Organization, 417n
Jews: AE on, 16, 230n, 494–495; Eastern Euro-
pean, 197, 198n, 227, 352; solidarity with,
AE on, 495; intermarriage with Gentiles, AE
on, 294; ostracized from Germany, 243. See
Joël, Kurt, interview with AE, 589c
Joffe, Abram F. (1880–1960), 415
Johannsen, Wilhelm (1857–1927), 506
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