C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9 5 7 9
well. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 6, Mappe
KWG. [78 103].
October 11 1-page TLS to KWIP board of trustees. Will pay his secre-
tary 150 M salary starting retroactively 1 October. Prove-
nance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 1657. [77 296].
1-page TLC to Walter Steubing in Aachen. Heinz Kirsch-
baum’s use of the KWIP grant instead of Georg Wendt is
acceptable, though the amount of money will not be
increased. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 10,
Mappe Steubing. [77 640].
Tgm to Paul Ehrenfest: “Einreisebewilligung Haag
beschleunigen. Einstein.” Provenance: IsJHU. [9 442].
after October 13 Signs the appeal “Für den Aufbau des jüdischen Palästina.”
Provenance: IsJCZA/L12/102/1. [86 361].
October 14 1-page TLS to Adolf von Harnack in Berlin. Responds to
Harnack’s letter of 10 October and gives him Erwin Freund-
lich’s address as the only other person to be invited to KWG
meeting. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 869, Bl.
154. [77 736].
October 15 1-page PD funeral notice of the death of Wilhelm von Sie-
mens, president of KWIP board of trustees (who died on
14 October 1919 in Arosa, Switzerland). Provenance:
IsJHU. [44 365].
October 17 “A Test of the General Theory of Relativity” (Vol. 7,
Doc. 23) is published.
2-page ALS from Friedrich Schuh in Rostock about his geo-
physical research and his request for a grant and stipend
from KWIP. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 10,
Mappe Schuh. [77 603].
October 18 Leaves Berlin for two weeks to stay with the Ehrenfests in
October 22 2-page ALS from Carl Stumpf in Berlin, congratulating him
on the proof of the theory of gravitation. Is proud of this vic-
tory of German science after the military and political col-
lapse. Provenance: IsJHU. [22 317].
October 23 1-page ALS to secretariat of the physical-mathematical
class of the PAW. Evaluates Gustav Müller’s manuscript
(see entry of 31 July) as follows: “Der Verfasser ist in dem