C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9 5 5 5
book on technology and natural history. Provenance: IsJHU.
[44 096], [44 096.1].
March 13 1-page KS to R. Pechel in Ilse Einstein’s hand, declining a
request: “Aus langjähriger Erfahrung weiss ich, dass ich sol-
che Versprechen, wie Sie eines von mir wünschen, doch nie-
mals halte. Also ist es anständiger und ehrlicher, ich
verspreche Ihnen erst garnichts.” Provenance: Gy-Ar,
R. Pechel Papers, NL 160, Bd. 57. [78 992].
The motion to elect Knudsen (see entry of 6 March) is
announced in writing to the members of the physical-mathe-
matical class of the PAW by Waldeyer-Hartz. Provenance:
GyBAW, II–III, Bd. 137, Bl. 155. [83 971].
March 15 1-page TLC from KWIP board of directors to physics insti-
tutions in Germany. Informs them of the possibility of
obtaining research funds from the KWIP. At this point, the
KWIP had 81,000 M at its disposal. Provenance: GyBP,
I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 13. [77 688].
after March 15 2-page ALS from Georg Krakow in Freiburg, including a
curriculum vitae, requesting stipend from KWIP for his
studies. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 7, Mappe
Krakow. [77 828].
March 25 1-page ALS from Arnold Sommerfeld appended to Doc. 11.
Supports Wilhelm Lenz’s application for financial help from
KWIP. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 8, Mappe
Lenz. [77 851].
March 26 2-page ALS from Otto Lehmann in Karlsruhe. Requests
3,000 M from KWIP for his research on the influence of a
magnetic field on molecular forces in liquid crystals. Prove-
nance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 8, Mappe Lehmann.
[77 846].
1-page TLS from Wiener Bank-Verein Filiale Prag. Ein-
stein’s account (8,612 crowns) should be registered with the
Czech Tax Office, with attached questionnaire submitted by
the Czech Tax Office for possible taxation of the sum. Prov-
enance: IsJHU. [45 251], [45 252].
after March 26 1-page TTr responding to Wiener Bank-Verein Filiale Prag.
Einstein protests that he cannot read Czech. Provenance:
IsJHU. [45 253].