9 5 8 I N D E X on joint invention of refrigerator with AE, 789a on KWIP funds for Kallmann and Knipping, 811a Netter, Charles, 580n New Century Club, donation to Hebrew Univer- sity of, Weizmann on, 382–383, 416 The New Leader, solicits article from AE, 468, 472, 493–494, 497–498, 502–504 “The New Palestine,” book, Weizmann solicits article for, 416, 438, 589, 807a, 812a AE de- clines, 822a Newton, Isaac, 454–456, 458, 459 emission theory of, 99 gravitation theory of a limiting case for general relativity, 883 law of gravitation simplest, 880 Nicolai, Georg Friedrich (1874–1964), 43n, 121n, 325n “Nie wieder Krieg” demonstrations, Stöcker on, 472 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 245 Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant, AE on inter- view in, 783a Nikko, 549 Nippon Puroretaria Domei, requests opinion on Japanese government and future of youth, 824a Nippon Yusen Kaisha on AE’s luggage in Marseille, 829a asks for AE’s passage fare, 818a offers AE cabins for travel to Japan, 807a, 810a, 811a Nirenstein, Mauricio, 821a Nishida, Kitaro, lvii, 573n Nitobe, Inazo (1862–1933), 398 Committee on Intellectual Cooperation on AE’s joining, 806a regrets AE’s absence from session of, 816a on report of, 821a Nobel Committee for Physics proposes AE for Nobel Prize, 513n requests proposal for Nobel Prize, 818a Nobel Foundation, requests personal data for publication, 831a Nobel Prize, lix for AE, 516, 824a Arrhenius hints at upcoming, 512 Aurivillius informs of, 591, 592 financial details of, 616–617, 830a Laue hints at upcoming, 516 medal and diploma, 832a proceeds to Mileva Einstein-Maric, 746n Noether, Emmy, AE and Klein on habilitation of, 92n Non-Euclidean geometry. See Geometry, non- Euclidean Nonne, Fritz, 788a Nordmann, Charles (1881–1940), xlvii, xlviii, 217, 251n, 255n, 796a on AE’s Paris lec- tures, 836–847 Norton, Ruth, 578n Notgemeinschaft der deutschen Wissenschaft, 792a, 803a request list of scientists to be supported, 813a scientists proposed for support from, 814a stipend for Brody from, 290, 305 Nürck, Otto, 788a Nussbaum, Arthur (1877–1964), 209 Obermaier, Hugo, 586n d’Ocagne, Philbert Maurice (1862–1938), 283 Ochanomizu Women’s University, 570n Ogawa, Masataka (1865–1930), 119n, 571n Ogawa, Tsuyoshi, 639n Okamoto, Ippei (1886–1948), lxi, 548, 549, 552 Okamoto, Kanoko (1889–1939), 571n Okano, Keijiro, lxi, 567n Okaya, Fumi (1898–1945), 569n Okaya, Tatsuji, 569n Okura, Kihachiro (1837–1928), 569n Oldenburg, Sergei von (1863–1934), 703, 747, 827a Oliver, Francisco, 821a Olmer, Joseph, 796a Olympia Academy, 80n Ono, Yoshimasa, 639n Opalescence, 11 Oppenheim, Paul (1852–1929), 534 on AE’s manuscript and Freundlich, 257–258 AE on, 263 Oppenheimer, Otto (1844–1922), 23 Oppenheim-Errera, Gabriella, 258n, 264n Optics of moving bodies, and genesis of relati- vity theory, 636, 875 Orefice, Giacomo (1865–1922), 746n Orfali, Gaudens, 577n