8 0 6 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 2 60,000 M has to be paid (Abs. 228) in the former case a lawyer should be consulted. TLS (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 7, Mappe Kohn). [77 811]. 254. Publication Contract with Slowo 1 June 1922 Guarantees 20% royalty for the Russian edition of Einstein 1922c. TDS. [41 1041]. 255. To Friedrich Heilbron 1 June 1922 In response to Abs. 197, informs that he accepted the invitation to the meeting of GDNÄ upon Max Planck’s repeated urging. Stepping back would enhance the tension between him and a part of leading German physicists. TLC. [43 147]. 256. IE to Julius Hoffmann 1 June 1922 AE refuses to write introduction to the German edition of Nordmann 1921a and feels he has been put in an embarrassing position. AE also requests that no personal photograph be placed in the book because “das allzustarke Hervortreten des persönlichen Moments in der Wissenschaft dem guten Geschmack zuwider läuft.” TLC. [43 937]. 257. From Tatiana Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa 1 June 1922 Will write to [Venyamin] Kagan. Samuel O. Schatunowsky will send his paper. Galinka left for Paris with [Arnaud] Denjoy. AKS. [10 269]. 258. From Constantino Gorini 1 June 1922 Thanks for letter of 24 October 1921 and sends condolences on death of AE’s mother. AE has just been elected foreign corresponding member of the Section of Mathematical Sciences, Class of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, of the Reale Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere. ALS. [43 791]. 259. From Werner Kolhörster 1 June 1922 Asks for approval of further grant to continue the investigation of the variation of pene- trating radiation on larger water surfaces. ALS (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 7, Mappe Kolhörster). [77 822]. 260. From Inazo Nitobe 1 June 1922 Expresses thanks on behalf of Secretary-General Eric Drummond for willingness to serve on the Committee on Intellectual Cooperation. TLS (SzGeBNU, R1029/13C/ 20823X/14297). [82 880]. 261. From Vieweg 2 June 1922 Proposes a 5,000-copy print run of the 14th edition of Einstein 1917a and asks whether AE wishes to make any changes to it. Encloses letter from Antoine Ph. Chalas of Con- stantinople for comment. TLS. [42 139]. 262. From Emil Warburg 2 June 1922 In response to Abs. 241, is of the opinion that there is not much hope to obtain the device for less money. Even though the research topic may be interesting, it is not worth spend- ing the 70,000 M, which is equal to the whole budget of KWIP. Proposes to turn to the Notgemeinschaft. ALS (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 7, Mappe Kohn). [77 812]. 263. To Johann Königsberger 3 June 1922 KWIP granted him 4,000 M for the purchase of a rectifier, pending the approval of the board of trustees. TLC (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 7, Mappe Königsberger). [77 794]. 264. From Hartmut Kallmann and Paul Knipping 3 June 1922 Request grant from KWIP for a Hoffmann electrometer to continue James Franck's ex- periment on measuring the mass of ions produced by slow electron bombardment Fritz
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