I N D E X 9 5 7 Möbius, August, 267 Moch, Gaston (1859–1935), 340, 395, 422 Moggi. See Moji Mohorovicic, Stjepan (1890–1980), 367 Moji, 552, 553 Molière, “L’Avare,” 833 Molina, Luis, 824a Molisch, Hans (1856–1937), 548, 571n Momentum, in calculation, 672 Montor, Alfred (1878–1950), 538, 539, 555 Montor, Anna (1886–1945), 538 Montor, Max (1872–1934), 564n Morente, Manuel García, 586n Moscovici, Dr., 222 Mossinson, Ben-Zion (1878–1942), lxv, lxvii, 558, 559, 578n, 579n Moszkowski, Alexander (1851–1934), 362, 746, 807a Motion, concept of, 854 Motor, in Eisenmann’s invention, 437 Mouschly, Mordechai (1874?–1950?), 561 Mouschly family, take care of EE, 828a Mouschly-Turkel, Celia (1875?–1960), 561 Mouton, Henri, 796a Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Hans Albert Ein- stein plays, 261 Müller, Gustav (1851–1925), 206, 791a Müller, Luise, on AE’s good impression of teen- age son, 793a Munro, Neil G. (1863–1942), 569n Murani, Oreste, 807a Muraour, Henri-Charles-Antoine (1880–?), 746 Murobuse, Koshin. See Murofuse, Koshin Murofuse, Koshin (1892–1970), lvii, 214 invites AE for lecture tour to Japan, 115, 118 Murray, Gilbert (1866–1957), lv, 308, 408, 439n on AE’s resignation of from Committee on In- tellectual Cooperation, 398–399, 418–419, 433–434 on Latin and Germanic elements on Committee on Intellectual Cooperation, 399 Musäus, Karl, 384n Nablus, 561 Nadolny, Rudolf (1873–1953), 736 Nagai, Nagayoshi (1845–1929), 546, 553 Nagai, Sonta, 574n, 575n Nagaoka, Hantaro (1865–1950), lvii, lxiii, 313, 463, 544, 546, 547, 551, 567n, 569n, 570n, 601 on AE’s official welcome by Imperial Aca- demy, 407n on beauty of Japanese landscape, 463 on interest in relativity in Japan, 463 on literature on relativity in Japan, 210 praises physical research in Germany, 211 on relationship between Japanese and German scientists, 210–211 Naglo shipyard, 313n Nagoya, 549–550 Nahalal, 560 Nansen, Fridtjof, requests AE to join honorary editorial board of Nansen-Komitee für die Kinderhilfe in den Hungerdistrikten Rus- slands, 809a, 810a Nansen-Komitee für Kinderhilfe in den Hung- erdistrikten Russlands, 809a, 810a Naples, 562 Nara, 552 Nastelski, 828a National Academy of Sciences, U. S., elects AE foreign associate, 314, 799a, 804a National Federation of Students’ Self-Govern- ment Associations, Japan, welcomes AE the pacifist, 824a National Socialist Party, on AE’s denial of his German origin, 735 Natural law. See Laws of nature Nature, as a goddess, 655 Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Danzig, invites AE to lecture, 787a, 788a, 789a, 791a Nazareth, 560, 561 Nederlandsche Natuurkundige Vereeniging, AE lectures at, 289 Nederlandsch-Indische Sterrenkundige Ver- eeniging, 325n invites AE to lecture, 133 Negombo, 556 Nelson, Leonard (1882–1927), requests recom- mendation for Roos from AE, 301a, 801a Hilbert on, 301a Nernst, Walther (1864–1941), lii, 47, 317, 384, 747, 785a, 790a, 791a, 811a, 824a controversy with Debye, 218, 261–262, 268, 272–273, 341 on intermolecular attractive forces, 261–262, 272–273