I N D E X 9 5 9 Organisation Consul, 374n, 391n, 392n, 393n AE on list of, 393n Max Warburg on list of, 393n Orlik, Emil, 577n Ornstein, Leonard (1880–1941), 165 aggressiv- ity of, AE on, 188 Ehrenfest on, 184 Ortega y Gasset, José, 563, 586n Orthmann, Wilhelm, on students requesting AE’s lectures, 820a Orthohelium, Born on, 291 Osaka, 550 Oseen, Carl W., 593n Ossietzky, Carl von, 472n Ostwald, Wolfgang (1883–1943), 495 Kolloid- chemische Gesellschaft, invites AE to join, 430, 813a, 814a Pacheco, Eduardo Hernández, 585n Painlevé, Paul (1863–1933), xlviii, l, li, 186, 195, 229, 251n, 254, 292, 323, 331, 481, 796a, 834, 839–841, 844–845 AE on friendship with, 284 happy to make acquaintance of, 292 invites him to Paris, 156 regrets absence from special session of So- ciété française de philosophie, 784a requests two autographs for charity from, 292, 800a AE sends, 299 on an asymmetry in special relativity, 235 book of, AE on, 416 Palacios Martinez, Julio, 860, 875 Palatini, Attilio, variational method of, lxxv, 668n, 673 Palestine, as spiritual home for world Jewry, AE on, 45 Palestine Foundation Fund. See Keren Hayesod Palestine mandate, 383 Balfour on, 111n ratified, 492n Weizmann on, 111, 328–329 Parallel transport, 706, 887 in calculations, 674 concept of, 660, 662 no direct physical meaning, 533 Particles, elementary, 66 represented as field so- lution, 68 Paschen, Friedrich (1865–1947), 77, 117, 787a Patents DRP174 111, 343 DRP211 634, 343 DRP241 637, 344, 795a DRP401448, 49n US1,350,214, 437n Pauli, Wolfgang (1900–1958), 94n, 291, 784a AE on Pauli 1921a, 152–153 cooperation with Born, 291 Weyl, criticizes theory of, 153 Pavlov, Ivan P. (1849–1936), 113 PAW, 808a AE informs of accepting French invitation, 182 AE requests to suspend salary, 813a asks AE about lecture on 23 November 1922 AE declines, 813a Kamerlingh Onnes proposed as corresponding member, 789a Kapteyn proposed as corresponding member, 789a Ludendorff proposed as ordinary member, 790a, 791a on raise of AE’s salary, 831a Schlenk proposed as ordinary member, 790a Zeeman proposed as corrresponding member, 789a Pedersen, Holger, 146n Pefzner. See Pevzner Penang, 556 Peoples’ Relief Committee, 820a Periodic system of elements, Bohr theory of, 140 Perrett, W., 789a Perrin, Jean (1870–1942), 8, 155, 248, 796a, 833 Pestaña, Angel, 584n Pettah district, 564n Petzoldt, Joseph, 214 Pevzner, Shmuel (1878–1930), 560, 581n Pevzner-Ginzberg, Lea (1879–1940), 580n Pfister, Maximilian (1874–?), 542, 543, 644 in- vites AE to lecture in Shanghai, 473, 478, 811a Pfister-Königsberger, Anna (1876–?), 473n, 542 Philosophy AE concerned with, 30 AE’s conversations with H. Samuel on, 559 discussion on theory of relativity at Société française, 227–250 falsficationism, AE’s views on, 169
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