1 0 2 8 I N D E X Encyclopædia Judaica, AE recommends editors of, 622 German national committee, AE member, 622n See also Enzyklopädie des Judentums Endres, Franz Carl, 361 Energy-momentum tensor, AE’s cautious approach to, xlviii Engelmann, Konrad, 393n Engels 1925, Marx-Engels Institute sends, 879a Enriques, Federigo (1881–1946), 400 on congress of Federated Intellectual Unions, 892a Enciclopedia Italiana, invites AE to collabo- rate on, 892a, 957a Lämmel solicits recommendation to, 932a, 936a, 938a Langevin, meets with, 892a solicits recommendation for a German repre- sentative in IIIC project of international bibliography of history of science, 917a Entropy, statistical definition of, AE on, 317 Schrödinger on, 315 Enzyklopädie des Judentums Deutsches Landes-Comité on current state of edition of, 908a Goldstein on, 925a Klatzkin on, 897a Eötvös, Roland, 883a Ephraim, Fritz, 925a, 928a Epstein, Paul (1883–1966), 70, 81, 82 AE recommends Reichenbach to, Epstein on, 549, 557 on AE’s visit at California Institute of Technol- ogy, 80, 127 on getting Weyl’s recommendation for Rei- chenbach, 549 on Kennedy’s repeating Miller’s experiment, 128 with negative result, 586 Miller’s experiment calls humbug, 128, 129 on, lxi, 80, 128, 129 AE on, 112 on Millikan-Kohlhörster priority dispute, 557 praises Einstein 1925f, 80 Reichenbach, AE recommends to, 502 on position for, 549, 557 Robertson, on study tour in Germany of, 127– 128 wave mechanics, praises, 549 Equations of motion, derived from vacuum field equations, AE and Grommer on, xlviii, 682– 698 (see also Gravitational field, equations of motion in) Esau, Abraham (1884–1955), 470 Ether existence of, Kaibel on, 945a Miller on, 920a layers of, Lodge on, 945a Ether drift AE does not believe exists, lxi not affected by Earth’s motion, lxi Ether-drift experiments. See Miller’s ether-drift experiments Ether wind aberration contradicts, Eddington on, 118 Miller on, 480–481 Eudaimonism, AE opposes, lviii, 634, 667 Edu- ard advocates, lviii, 665 Eugenics, chair at Hebrew University, Long pro- poses, 962a Eugenic thinking, xciv Europäische Liga zum Schutze der Freiheit, founding of, 901a Everdingen, Ewoud van (1873–1955), 337, 373, 533, 883a proposes International Meteoro- logical Institute, 532 Ewald, Peter, on causes of meanders in rivers, 899a Expropriation of German royal houses, appeal for, AE declines to sign, 355 AE signs, 360– 362 Eysinga, W.J.M., solicits contribution on Lo- rentz for Grotius, 949a Eysoldt, Gertrud, 361 Fabre, Lucien, 238n, 722n Fanti, Josef (1899–?), teaches Eduard Einstein piano, 28 Faraday, Michael, 777, 785, 790, 893a experiments on geomagnetism by, l Faraday tensor, 65n, 486n, 576n Fauconnet, André, 960a Fechheimer-Simon, Hedwig, Wassermann in- vites on trip to Egypt, 877a Federated Intellectual Unions, congress of, En- riques on, 892a Federation of Jewish Student Associations in Germany, AE sends greetings to, 240