9 0 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 330. To Bruto Caldonazzo [Berlin, after 23 February 1926] Is too busy to write the requested article (see Abs. 328). ADftS. [44 877]. 331. To Paul Scherrer [Berlin,] 24 February 1926 In reply to Abs. 324, suspects that Scherrer has made false assumptions about the cases of equal probability. The theory cannot be applied at all to rotation only, at most to rota- tion and translation together. But even then it is not clear whether the cell distribution is the same for molecules of differing rotational quantum states or whether this distribution is to be taken as independent for each such kind of molecule. If one assumes that the gas is more diluted, nothing changes in the quantum Boltzmann distribution in the case of rotation. AKS. [80 803]. A chemical formula in an unknown hand is at the bottom of the verso. 332. From Thomas C. Hodson London, 25 February 1926 On behalf of the editor of the Encyclopædia Britannica, encloses the manuscript of Doc. 148, and returns Doc. 147. Requests that AE send any needed revisions of the translations carried out by Brose, at the recommendation of Lord Haldane. TLSX. [43 644]. 333. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 26 February 1926 Reminds AE of the meeting of the directors’ committee of the IIIC on 25 March 1926 in Paris at 10 A.M. Inquires whether AE will attend. TLS. [34 921]. 334. From Stephen S. Wise [New York City,] 26 February 1926 Recalls their meeting “during the regrettable days of strife in the midst of Zionist forces in America.” He is now actively involved in the United Palestine Appeal. Informs of the gift to the Hebrew University by Celia Rosenbloom in memory of her husband. Wise had suggested half a million dollars for an administrative and executive building that would also contain a large auditorium and the Institute of Jewish Studies. Rosenbloom will ask AE as “head of the University” to serve on the committee overseeing this me- morial. TLC. [78 751]. 335. From Casa Editrice Giacomo Agnelli Milano, 27 February 1926 For the centennial of Alessandro Volta’s death in 1927, requests an appreciation of his science and life. TLS. [45 182]. 336. To Emanuel A. von der Pahlen [Berlin,] 28 February 1926 Requests that Pahlen show the Einstein Tower to the carrier of this card, precision me- chanic F. H. Bopp. AKS. [73 303]. 337. From Deutsches Landes-Comité für die Enzyklopädie des Judentums Berlin, March 1926 Circular letter, sends a sample copy of the Enzyklopädie des Judentums and details re- garding the current state of the project. The first volume is in press and will appear in German and Hebrew. An English language edition is being contemplated, since the Jewish Encyclopædia published in the United States before the war is now out of print. The committee has received financial support from leading personalities in Germany and abroad, and through subscriptions. TLS. [43 654]. 338. From Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland Berlin, 1 March 1926 In the name of Kurt Blumenfeld, informs that a meeting on “The Building of Palestine, a Socialist Experiment” with leading members of the Social Democratic Party is planned for mid-March with the goal of counteracting the at times unscrupulous propaganda by