8 9 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 5 190. From Federigo Enriques Rome, 18 November 1925 Invites AE to collaborate on the Enciclopedia italiana, modeled on the Encyclopædia Britannica. Has recently met P. Langevin in Milan on the occasion of the Congress of Federated Intellectual Unions, a movement for which AE ought to have sympathy and should lend his name. TLS. [9 240]. 191. From Christian Eckert Cologne, 20 November 1925 In his capacity as managing chair of the board of the University of Cologne, invites AE, upon the recommendation of Mrs. Hamburger, to give a talk to the Köln Mensa acade- mica on 30 November. Recommends a morning train. Will reimburse travel costs and overnight stay at the Hotel Metropole, and offers 300 M honorarium. At the bottom of the letter, AE has written: “Ablehnend beantwortet. Beleidigt +. E.” TLS. [44 170]. 192. From Auguste Piccard Brussels, 20 November 1925 Completed preliminary tests, and began with the construction of the final apparatus. Requests letter of recommendation for leasing an expensive balloon, batteries, and hydrogen. ALS. [19 214]. 193. From Gustav Roethe Berlin, 20 November 1925 The secretariat of the Prussian Academy has decided to compose a brief congratulatory address to H. A. Lorentz on the occasion of his fiftieth doctorate jubilee (see Doc. 115). Since the matter is extremely urgent, requests that AE send the draft of such an address as soon as possible. The matter will be submitted subsequently to the plenary meeting of 3 December, and he requests that AE read the address on that occasion. TLS (GyBAW II–IIIb, Bd. 28, Bl. 240). [2 152]. 194. From Albert Karr-Krüsi Zurich, 23 November 1925 Has received AE’s postcards, the latest of 21 November, and will arrange for the deposit of 1,100 Swiss Fr in Mileva’s name, who is, however, expecting the sum of 1,200 Swiss Francs. Requests name of bank at which to open the deposit, a signature card, and clar- ifications regarding the deposit of funds and titles and their precise disposition. TLS. [44 098]. 195. From David Rial Pittsburgh, Pa., 23 November 1925 Keeps a large picture of AE in his room at the George Washington High School in order that his students may feel the atmosphere of science. Requests the opportunity to send the photo and receive it back with an autograph. ALS. [28 038]. 196. From Toni Mendel Wannsee, 24 November 1925 She read Marcel Proust and thought of their brief conversation of the previous Monday. Transcribes a long passage from “La Prisonnière,” the fifth volume of A la recherche du temps perdu, which includes the sentence: “Ce qu’on peut dire, c’est que tout se passe dans notre vie comme si nous y entrions avec le faix d’obligations contractées dans une vie antérieure…” ALS. [44 431]. 197. From Carl H. Becker Berlin, 26 November 1925 Thanking for Abs. 166, that included Luchaire’s letter Abs. 159, clarifies that Von Pritt- witz has not been officially charged as a delegate to the IIIC. Whether and when such a delegate will be charged is unclear at the moment. TLS. [34 915]. 198. From Christian Eckert Cologne, 26 November 1925 As a follow-up to Abs. 191, informs that lecture in Cologne can unfortunately not take place.Tgm. [44 171].