C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 9 2 5 484. From Robert Eisler [Paris,] 31 May 1926 Inquires whether Alfred Przibram has replied (see Abs. 445). Otherwise he would have to move away from Paris. ALS. [43 624]. 485. From Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Volksbildung (Von Rottenburg) Berlin, 31 May 1926 The Technische Hochschule in Berlin proposes Richard Becker as the only candidate for the soon to be open professorship in theoretical physics. Requests opinion on his person- ality and suitability. TLS. [43 228]. At the bottom of the page, AE has noted approval, with special reference to Bothe’s [Becker’s] achievements. ALS. [43 228.1]. 486. From Eduard Einstein [Zurich, 1 June 1926] As soon as he had sent his letter, AE’s letter arrived (see Doc. 295), leaving him no choice but to withdraw his complaints. Sends a poem about Heinrich Pestalozzi. AKS. [144 481]. 487. From Julius Hirsch Berlin, 1 June 1926 Matters are not improving regarding David Koigen. He will discuss possibilities with Harms, from Kiel. Other options would be employment in a library only the statistical bureau seems to need people, but the nationality is an issue. Another option would be work at a newspaper. They should approach Carbe. TLS. [44 168]. 488. From Leo Kohn [London,] 1 June 1926 Has received Doc. 294 and written to Judah L. Magnes regarding a meeting on 15 Au- gust in Innsbruck. Will also arrange a meeting of the Celia Rosenbloom Foundation committee. He will then write to the U.S. doctors. Has received letter from Mordechai Bobtelsky. Ch. Weizmann will meet Fritz Ephraim in Switzerland. Weizmann will spend a few days in Berlin, accompanied by Montague D. Eder, and would like to meet with AE on 18 June to discuss university matters. TLC. [91 434]. 489. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 2 June 1926 Has received Abs. 480 and Arthur Korn’s report, which he will forward to the ICIC, but believes that the subject is more relevant to the Transit Committee, whose chief he will contact. TLS. [44 183]. 490. From Georg Joos Jena, 3 June 1926 Berliner had rejected the manuscript the second time, so he submitted it to the Physika- lische Zeitschrift. Sends its proofs ([13 469]), and requests AE’s opinion on whether to keep the footnote complaining about the rejection in spite of AE’s intervention. ALS. [13 468]. 491. From Leo Kohn [London,] 3 June 1926 Has shown Ch. Weizmann Abs. 483, who will discuss it when meeting AE in Berlin (see Abs. 488). TLC. [91 436]. 492. From Eugen Goldstein Berlin, 4 June 1926 AE must have heard about the activities “Zur Reinhaltung der deutschen Hochschulen” at the Technische Hochschulen in Hanover and in Berlin. These activities are the result of ignorance, rather than malice. But the work on the Enzyklopädie des Judentums that has been so long promised should be accelerated so as to enlighten these circles about the achievements and contributions of Jews. ALS. [43 782].