C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 5 8 7 9 76. From Cornelis Easton S’Gravenhage, 10 August 1925 Requests a contribution of 4,000–5,000 words for the monthly Haagsch Maandblad on “Science and Intellect after the War” and offers honorarium of 7.5 Dutch florins per page (430 words). H. A. Lorentz, P. Zeeman, J. van der Waals and others would be able to provide references for him and the magazine. A note in Lorentz’s hand is appended, in- dicating that he does not object to having his name mentioned. A note in the left-hand corner in SJ’s hand, circled in red, reads “abgeschrieben 8/8. 1925.” This date must be in error. ALS. [16 583]. 77. From Carl Heymanns Publishing House Berlin, 11 August 1925 On the initiative of Ludwig Stein, inquire whether AE is willing to review the recently published Volkelt 1925. TLS. [43 895]. 78. From Walther Schücking Berlin, 12 August 1925 Thanking for AE’s letter, opines that, from the beginning, Harnack should have con- sulted foreign specialists in international law who are not faculty colleagues of Bruns. Sends a list of names of other academics in Europe and the United States who can be consulted. ALS. [45 015]. 79. From Marx-Engels Institute Moscow, 13 August 1925 Imre Sallai, library secretary, and P. Kananov, chief librarian, send a copy of Engels 1927 containing in the introduction AE’s opinion on its publication (see Vol. 14, Doc. 277). TLS. [34 623]. 80. From Joe Strauss-Collin Frankfurt a. M., 14 August 1925 Hopes that AE remembers him in connection with their common friend Max Oppen- heimer. Sends an essay on world peace that he has submitted for the peace prize compe- tition sponsored by Edward Filene. The German prize judges denied him an award. Hopes that AE can assist him in making his essay better known to the League of Nations. Was already active in the peace movement thirty years ago, with B. von Suttner and others. TLS. [45 085]. 81. From Otto Heusler Berlin, 15 August 1925 As board member of the Deutscher Alpenverein Berlin, inquires whether AE would lec- ture during the winter in its lecture series, for which the board is also in touch with Roald Amundsen, Hugo Hergesell, and Hugo Eckener. Attaches article on the association’s views and offers to discuss the matter in person. TLS. [43 894]. 82. From Friedrich Mayer Augsburg, 16 August 1925 Thanks AE for the testimonial. Has applied for admission to university, but has found that a scholarly personality has to fill out the special request and asks for AE’s support. ALS. [44 420]. 83. From Kurt Felix Bottlinger Berlin-Babelsberg, 17 August 1925 Informs of Adams 1925 reporting redshift in gravitational field. ALS. [6 163]. 84. From H. J. de Backer Arnhem, 17 August 1925 Invites AE to stay with him and his German wife whenever he is in transit. ALS. [43 159]. 85. Diploma, Club de Engenharen, Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro, 17 August 1925 In its session of 18 May 1925, AE was admitted as honorary member of the club. DIPL. [65 040].
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