9 6 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 7 863. From Heinrich Firmbach Munich, 27 May 1927 Encloses a paper and hopes that atomic disintegration will be achieved with great prob- ability. However, the release of great energy will not be achieved directly, rather, through the molecules (substances) that will be formed. ALS. [46 191]. 864. From Ernst G. Long Worrington Farm (South Africa), 27 May 1927 Recommends, after having talked to Chief Rabbi Landau, that a chair in eugenics be es- tablished at the Hebrew University to guard against the ravages of Malthus’ theory and teach Jewish mothers how to transmit willpower to their offspring. ALS. [47 545]. 865. From Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte Berlin, 31 May 1927 Inquires on behalf of immigrant circles whether AE is willing to chair a larger event on 9 or 10 June dealing with the terror in the Balkans. TLS. [47 465].