D O C U M E N T 3 2 J U LY 1 9 2 5 8 1 32. From Robert A. Millikan [Pasadena,] July 25, 1925 Dear Professor Einstein: The fact that you were planning to spend the winter quarter at the Institute and Mount Wilson Observatory had to be mentioned by both Epstein[1] and myself to a few of the graduate students who are working in the fields of your own activity and whose own plans would be more or less influenced by your presence here.[2] Through some of them it became known to Dr. Campbell of Berkeley, who wrote me at once asking if it would be possible for you after your visit here to go to Berke- ley, and he wrote you at the same time along the same lines, as I know because he sent me a copy of the letter.[3] Indeed, it was because of this letter that I wrote you as I did asking if you cared to have any appointments of this sort on your way back from Pasadena to Europe, for if you did I could easily make other similar arrange- ments.[4] I have received no reply to my inquiry upon this point, undoubtedly be- cause of the fact that it reached you while you were away in South America, and you have doubtless not yet been back long enough to have been able to catch up with your accumulated correspondence. I am writing today merely because I noticed that some unauthorized person has sent to the press a statement of the fact that you were to be at the Institute some time during the coming year, and I am anxious to let you know that no information has been given out by the Institute at all to the press, and that none will be. With the activity of the press the world over at the present time it would doubtless be impos- sible to keep entirely out of the public prints information regarding your visit to this country and to Pasadena, but I think that we can save you from all such types of publicity as annoyed you so much during your preceding visit to the United States.[5] We will give out no information whatever from the Institute, and will see to it that your coming is made as inconspicuous as possible. To this end I am suggesting that you allow us to make arrangements with what- ever steamship company you may decide to take so that your name be not placed upon the published passenger list. Either Dr. Epstein or I will then meet you in New York and bring you out to Pasadena as quietly as possible, and I think there will be little liklihood, if we take the proper precautions, of your having any disagreeable publicity. We are well connected with the publishers and managers of the press in this region, and although I have no doubt that it will be impossible to have the fact