C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 9 0 1 272. From Hans Rohrbach Berlin, [19 January 1926] On behalf of the Mathematisch-Physikalische Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Universität Berlin, thanks for AE agreeing to lecture on 25 January on “Das Wesen und der gegenwärtige Stand der Relativitätstheorie.” Asks how many VIP tickets AE would like. The profes- sors of physics and mathematics have been invited. TLC. [78 521]. 273. From Judah L. Magnes [Jerusalem,] 20 January 1926 Hebrew language version of Abs. 274, addressed to both AE and Ch. Weizmann as the two presidents of the BOGHU. TLS. [74 929]. 274. From Judah L. Magnes to AE and Chaim Weizmann [Jerusalem,] 20 January 1926 Encloses a report on the present status and activities of the Hebrew University. Owing to very unsatisfactory financial position, the university has not been able to make satis- factory arrangements for the opening of the School of Oriental Studies and the Institute of Palestine Natural History. The institution continues to be in correspondence with the American Jewish Physicians’ Committee concerning the relationship of the division of the Department of Public Hygiene under Israel Kligler and the Institute of Microbiology. TLS (IL-JeCZA, L12/95/1). [91 417]. The Hebrew version of this document is Abs. 273. 275. From Leo Stahl Paris, 20 January 1926 Requests AE’s signature on an appeal in favor of the founding of a Europäische Liga zum Schutze der Freiheit and the fight against dictatorship. Supported by Alphonse Au- lard, Miguel Unamuno, and Salvemini, he has also turned to Gerhard Hauptmann, Thomas Mann, Fritz von Unruh, Jakob Wassermann, Max Scheler, Hermann Bahr, Ar- thur Schnitzler, and Sigmund Freud, among others. TLS. [45 038]. 276. From Georges Oprescu (Ken Harada) Geneva, 21 January 1926 Two representatives of the International Confederation of Students visited him today, in- forming of their upcoming congress in Bordeaux and their desire to have the ICIC be represented there. AE will soon receive an official invitation. Knowing that AE will probably be unable to attend, requests a letter from him that can be read at the congress. TLS. [34 920]. 277. To Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik [Berlin,] 22 January 1926 Regrets that, as the number of requests for contributions for anniversary publications has risen recently, he cannot accommodate its request for the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the journal. AKS (GyU-Ar). [95 922]. 278. From Arthur J. Kraus Berlin-Grunewald, 22 January 1926 Thanks AE for the long conversation. Sends as per AE’s wish a paragraph from Ueber- weg 1923, p. 584. The paragraph indicates that there is a lively controversy among phi- losophers surrounding AE’s work, and a number of important physicists are opposed to it as well. In some of these cases, “spitefulness” against AE’s Jewishness plays a role. TLS. [44 211]. 279. From Hans Rohrbach Berlin, 24 January 1926 Reminds AE of his lecture in the Auditorium Maximum on 25 January at 8 P.M. (see Abs. 272). All seats have been taken, and standing tickets have been issued. Sends a few VIP tickets. TLS. [44 410].