8 2 D O C U M E N T 3 2 J U L Y 1 9 2 5 of your presence in Southern California entirely unmentioned by the press, I think that there will be no difficulty at all about our arranging it here after you get here so that any notice that is given will be of a dignified type, and so that you will per- sonally be entirely protected from the sort of annoyance which you met with be- fore. Since we are hoping that you will arrive here about January 1st, I assume that you will take some boat which sails about the 15th of December. If you will then be kind enough to let us know the line you would like to take I will attempt to make arrangements with the officers of that line so that you are not listed among the pas- sengers, and will also arrange so that either Epstein or I will meet you in New York and bring you directly to Pasadena. Very cordially yours, R. A. Millikan TLS. [17 299]. The document is addressed “Professor A. Einstein. Haberlandstr. 5. Berlin, Germany,” and written on letterhead “California Institute of Technology Pasadena Norman Bridge Laboratory of Physics.” [1]Paul Epstein. [2]For Millikan’s invitations and Einstein’s replies, see Doc. 31, note 3. [3]See William W. Campbell to Einstein, 13 April 1925 (Vol. 14, Abs. 673), inviting Einstein to visit Berkeley and deliver some lectures there on his return journey from Pasadena to Europe. Camp- bell (1862–1938) was president of the University of California and director of the Lick Observatory. [4]In his letter, Millikan had also conveyed Campbell’s invitation (see Robert A. Millikan to Einstein, 2 April 1925 [Vol. 14, Doc. 468]). [5]On Einstein’s previous trip to the United States, see Vol. 12, Introduction, pp. xxxi–xxxviii. Millikan may also be referring to the controversy stirred up by Einstein’s interview with the Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant in July 1921 upon his return to Europe (see Vol. 7, Appendix D, “An Inter- view with Professor Albert Einstein,” pp. 620–630).