C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 9 1 7 come interested in a biological station in Palestine. Steinitz has therefore written him the attached letter and believes a letter of support from AE is also needed. TLS. [45 055]. 411. From Zionisten-Revisionisten in Deutschland Berlin, 12 April 1926 Encloses Jabotinsky 1926, an issue of Rassviet, and a copy of the newly published monthly Morgenroth. The publisher is eager to have AE’s opinion of the Zionist revi- sionist movement and requests an interview. TLS. [44 739]. 412. From Federigo Enriques Rome, 14 April 1926 His proposal for a project of an international bibliography of the history of science has been well received at a meeting held at the IIIC. Requests AE’s recommendation of a suitable German representative. TLS. [9 241]. 413. From Ernst Heilborn Berlin, 14 April 1926 Thanks AE for having examined his son’s work. He had never quite understood the work, except that it dealt with the formulation of a new heuristic method. Thanks AE for having expressed interest in the now deceased son. ALS. [43 879]. 414. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 14 April 1926 Has received AE’s suggestion that Coriolano Alberini be nominated to the subcommit- tee of experts for youth education. The directors’ committee of IIIC agrees that this is an excellent suggestion. They have doubts as to whether Alberini should be invited to Geneva given his frail health. Does AE have any information? TLS. [34 929]. 415. From S. Calamatianos Paris, 15 April 1926 Met AE by chance in Palais Royal and was unable to make himself understood in French. There is a mistake in the theory of the propagation of sound. TLS. [43 425]. 416. From Japanese General Consulate Hamburg, 15 April 1926 On behalf of the General Consul in Bombay, T. Watanabe, encloses photograph. TLS. [44 008]. 417. From Philips’ Glühlampenfabrik Eindhoven, 15 April 1926 For its library, requests copies of Einstein 1924o and 1925f. TLS. [44 661]. 418. From Esther Gurland-Eliaschoff [Kowno/Kaunas] 16 April 1926 Through the intervention of AE with Bernhard Kahn, the Société pour la Propagation de l’Instruction supérieure parmi les Juifs en Lituanie has received $1,200 from the Joint Distribution Committee until 1 March for their university courses. A meeting on the fu- ture of such assistance will take place in Berlin on 20 April. Requests AE’s intervention in its behalf. TLS. [44 53.1] 419. From Louis Lipsky New York, 16 April 1926 For the 16 May Zionist conference in Philadelphia, requests message of encouragement for Jewish educational goals. Tgm. [28 048]. 420. From Viktor Conrad Vienna, 17 April 1926 Was very happy to read Einstein 1926m and that AE is interested in geophysical ques- tions. He has revived the international Gerlands Beiträge zur Geophysik, which shut down during the war, as a means to combat chauvinism and swastika-bearing opponents of internationalism. Hopes that AE is willing to join its list of collaborators. Among them are Harold Jeffreys (Cambridge) Robert Rayleigh Jr. William Swann (New- haven) Lars Vegard and Victor Goldschmidt (Oslo) [Vladimir] Stekloff (Leningrad) [Matsusaburǀ] Fujiwhara (Tokyo) Wilhelm Schweydar (Potsdam). The first issue will appear soon. TLS. [43 485].
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