I N D E X 1 0 2 9 Féderation pour l’Entente européenne, 393n Fedoroff, M., 870a Feiwel, Berthold, 75n, 385n, 521n Feldkeller, Paul (1889–1972), xcii, 778 criticizes Eberty 1923, 954a AE on, 778 solicits article on bicentenary of Newton’s death, 954a Felix, Arthur (1887–1956), 180n, 204, 330n proposes himself as member of BOGHU, AE against, 180 right choice for Microbiological Institute of Hebrew University, AE on, 919a Feminist congress, invites AE to participate in, 916a Fermi, Enrico (1901–1954), 644, 645, 708, 727 AE praises, 815 on quantum theory of monatomic ideal gases, Meißner on, 657, 731 Feuchtwanger, Lion, 146n Fiamataro, L., 878a Ficker, Heinrich von, 952a Fifth dimension. See Five-dimensional theory Filene, Edward, sponsors peace prize competition, 879a, 885a Finanzamt Schöneberg, AE inquires with about tax deduction for sons, 870a Finzi, Carlo, on AE’s alleged resignation from BOGHU, 952a AE denies resignation, 952a Firmbach, Heinrich, on disintegration of atoms, 962a Fischer, Heinrich, asks to meet with Jawitz, 873a Fischer, Max, 881a AE proposes as member of board of Einstein-Stiftung, 873a, 876a ac- cepts, 875a, 881a Fischer, Samuel, 146n, 530n Five-dimensional theory, 576–577, 578–579, 625–626, 703, 751 cylinder condition, lii, 579n, 625–626, 717, 720n sharpened, 573, 579n, 717–718, 720n, 759n equations of motion in, of electron, 721n, 755, 758n field equations in, 576, 718 general covariance of, 578–579, 625, 720n, 755–757 geodesics in, 754–755 of Kaluza (see Kaluza, Theodor, five dimen- sional unified theory of) wave mechanics and, 576n See also Unified field theory Flamsteed, John, lxiii Flavius Josephus, Eisler lectures on, 920a, 930a Fleischer, Richard invites AE and Elsa Einstein to Wiesbaden, 921a on practical applications of physics, 921a Flexner, Abraham, AE recommends Eisler to, 918a Fock, Vladimir, liv Fodor, Andor (1884–1968), 472n financial help for, AE on, 489 institute of, Ornstein dissatisfied with, 928a leadership capabilities of, AE on, 477 Weizmann on, 471–472 Fokker, Adriaan (1887–1972), xlv, 337, 821, 907a AE on, 339–340 on publications in honor of Lorentz, 884a, 902a Fonda, Gorton, 937a Fondation “Pour la Science”, 920 invites AE to constitutive meeting, 912a Forchhammer, Henni, 904a Forschungen und Fortschritte solicits comment on a newspaper clipping, 911a solicits contribution on AE’s recent investiga- tions, 884a solicits paper on formation of light, 953a AE declines, 953a Förster, 870a Fourth Aliyah, lxxvi Fowler, Ralph (1889–1944), 418, 926a Fraenckelsche Stiftung, intends to participate in IIIC consortium of libraries for information exchange, 944a AE on, 944a France, Anatole, Eduard Einstein reads short sto- ries by, 572 France-Harrar, Annie, 881a Franck, James (1882–1964), 70, 143, 200, 449, 622, 973 experiment on nature of emission of light, lxxvi, 614 doubts results, 564 AE on, 574 Franck-Josephson, Ingrid (1883–1942), 71 Frank, Philipp (1884–1966), 398 guest lecturer at University of Göttingen, 71 on position for Reichenbach, 246, 332, 380