I N D E X 1 0 6 1 Văcărescu. Elena, 904a Vacuum field equations, motions of particles deter- mined from, xlvii Valéry, Paul (1871–1945), 621n, 661 lectures in Berlin, AE attends, 620, praises, 663, 947a Vanzetti, Bartolomeo (1891–1927), 801–802 Vegard, Lars, 917a Verband der jüdischen Arbeiterheime in Deutschland, Poale Zion on financial aid for, 898a AE on, 272 Verband des ostjüdischen Studentenvereine in Deutschland, 882a Verband für europäische Verständigung, 393n AE signs appeal for foundation of, 876a Schücking on, 876a Verband für internationale Verständigung, 390, 393n Verband zur Förderung der Universität, Jerusa- lem, report on meeting of with Weizmann, 889a Verein der Freunde der Jerusalem-Bibliothek, 207n Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, invites AE to lec- ture, 933a AE declines, 933a Verein für jüdische Geschichte und Literatur E.V., combats anti-Semitic harassment, 876a invites AE to lecture on achievements of Jews in physics, 876a AE declines, 876a Vereinigung für das liberale Judentum, 952a Vinaver, 897a Violins, old Italian, AE’s alleged theory of, 943a Vissering, Gerard, new curator of AE’s Leyden chair, 950a Vogel, Hans, solicits position, 893a Volkshochschule Düsseldorf, 936a Volta, Alessandro, centennial of death of, AE in- vited to deliver lecture at congress, 931a AE declines, 938a to contribute to jubilee vol- ume, 908a, 953a AE declines, 953a Vos van Steenwijk, Jacob de (1889–1978), 161, 533, 537, 940a International Bureau of Meteorology invites AE to session of ICIC on, 909a sends AE report on for signature, 929a report of on Conference of the Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaus, 936a Vossische Zeitung AE disputes alleged low grades in mathematics at university, 884a solicits contribution on Johann Strauss, 886a Voßler, Karl, proposed for Orden pour le mérite, 929a Waals, Johannes D. van der, Jr. (1873–1971), 337, 879a Wade, B. H., on manuscript of Courvoisier 1926, 932a Wagemann, Ernst, AE proposes Block to, 912a Wagner, Karl W. (1883–1953), 369 Wajzer, Jakob, solicits help to continue univer- sity studies AE provides, 957a Waldow-Schiefelbein, Herta, 823n Walther Rathenau Gesellschaft, 871a Walther Rathenau-Stiftung, on commemoration of third anniversary of Rathenau’s assassina- tion, 871a Krüss appointed in board of, 888a Wandt, Heinrich (1890–1965), lxviii AE refuses to sign petition for, 218 Friedensbund der Kriegsteilnehmer, collects funds for liberation of, 897a Warburg, Emil (1846–1931), AE congratulates on 50th doctor jubilee, 24 Warburg, Felix M. (1871–1937), lxxviii, 252, 343, 365, 426n, 819, 824, 825, 826, 890a, 903a, 907a, 919a Hebrew University on AE’s resignation from chairmanship of Academic Council of, 945a BOGHU 2nd meeting, Munich, on, 903a Weizmann as head of, objects to, 903a AE agrees, 343 on governing bodies of, 512, 513 ZOA, on objectionable fundraising by, 512, 909a Warburg, Max M., 923a Warburg, Otto (1859–1938), 519n Magnes appreciates, 519 Weizmann on character of, 520–521 Warburg, Paul F. S. (1904–1965), 513n Wasser, Emanuel, Ehrenhaft recommends for Rockefeller fellowship, 943a Tisdale on, 943a Wassermann, Weizmann at banquet at, 926a Wassermann, Bruno education of son, solicits advice from AE on, 870a, 877a Fechheimer-Simon, Hedwig, invites on trip to