8 7 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 – 1 9 2 5 Vol. 14, 355a. To the PAW Berlin, 13 November 1924 With others, proposes Friedrich Paschen to be elected ordinary member of the PAW. TDS (GyBAW, II–III–40, Bl. 243). [95 629]. Vol. 14, 430a. To Tatiana Ehrenfest [Berlin,] 4 February 1925 Announces arrival in Leyden on 7 February. Hopes not to be asked to deliver a speech. Has a check in amount of 12,000 Swiss Francs. Tatiana Ehrenfest and Mr. Michel Fedo- roff are free to dispose of it. 10,000 Francs have been sent to Estonia. AKS (NL-LeRM, Ehrenfest Archive). [95 737]. Vol. 14, 679a. To Leopoldo Berger [Rio de Janeiro, 6 May 1925] Thanks warmly for the beautiful gift (Berger was a bookbinder). The book is testimony to the strong feeling of cohesion that binds Jews around the world. AKSX. [120 772]. 1. From Bruno Wassermann Buenos Aires, 1 June 1925 Requests advice on possible boarding schools for his son Mario in Germany or Switzer- land, and inquires specifically about Dr. Förster’s school in Zurich. TLS. [45 211]. 2. To Chaim Weizmann Berlin, 4 June 1925 Ilse Kayser informs of AE’s arrival in Berlin from Argentina. TgmX. [67 654]. 3. From Chaim Weizmann [?,] 4 June 1925 Requests a message from AE to the ZOA on the occasion of its convention on 28 June. Tgm. [71 130] 4. From Solomon Ginzberg [?,] 5 June 1925 Sends minutes of the first meeting of the BOGHU. TLS. [36 883]. 5. To Finanzamt Schöneberg [Berlin,] 8 June 1925 In reply to their office’s inquiry about tax deductions for his sons, is hereby recalling his request as a result of their friendly oral communication. ADftS. [43 682]. Date from [43 681]. 6. To Karl Glitscher Berlin, 15 June 1925 Is not sure whether Glitscher has received his earlier letter of 27 May 1925 (see Vol. 14, Doc. 490) and reiterates his proposal. ALS. [82 989]. 7. From Leon Steinig Vienna, 15 June 1925 On behalf of the Weltverband der jüdischen Studentenschaft, thanks for the contribution to their almanac (Vol. 14, Doc. 467a in the present volume), and returns the manuscript on the Flettner ship (Vol. 14, Doc. 466). TLS. [44 067]. 8. From Norwegian Nobel Committee Oslo, 16 June 1925 Acknowledges receipt of AE’s letter of 22 May 1925 (Vol. 14, Doc. 488), recommend- ing General Cândido Rondon for the Nobel Prize for Peace. Explains that the deadline for submission of nominations expired on 1 February, and attach information regarding eligibility and procedures for the 1926 prize. TLS. [30 055]. 9. To Wilhelm H. Westphal [Berlin,] 17 June 1925 Although Elsa Einstein had accepted an invitation to visit with Westphal in eight days, regrets being unable to undertake the three-hour journey. At his “advanced age” he is insufficiently adventurous, hopes to make music with him in Berlin. ALS. [74 297].