1 0 6 2 I N D E X Egypt, 877a Wassermann, Jakob, 901a Wassermann, Oscar, speaker at Keren Hayesod rally, 359n, 906a Watanabe, T., sends photograph to AE, 917a Water and water vapor, Levy on, 942a Nernst on, 942a Wave mechanics AE calls sophisticated and formal, 478 AE impressed by, 485, 646 AE on, 506 AE praises, 429 AE prefers to matrix mechanics, 508, 563 AE and Schrödinger discussion on, 433–434, 438, 442 difficult to digest, AE on, 575 Ehrenfest on, 570 Epstein praises, 549 as field theory, AE on, 786 “ghost field” in, Born on, 647 of ideal gas, Ehrenfest on, 727–728 no need of statistical interpretation, AE on, 810–814, 815, 817 Heisenberg on, 823 non-causal and too primitive, AE on, 707 successful and mysterious, AE on, 798 Wave mechanics and matrix mechanics synthesis of, AE on, 807 Weyl on, 743 Weber, Adolf, 877a Weber, H., solicits book by AE, 893a Weber, Josef (1888–?), 902a Bauschinger, relationship with, 894a on Miller’s experiments, lxiii, 891a on Osten’s work, 895a on redshift, 875a sends articles, 893a, 894a, 895a solicits position, 893a, 894a, 896a Ludendorff on, 894a Weber, Wilhelm, 902a Weber, Willi (1904?–1965), attack on Leiferde train by, 725, 746–747 Wehrlé, Philippe (1890–1965), 533 Weigert, Charlotte, 961a Weil, Gotthold, 359n, 910, 923a speaker at Keren Hayesod rally, 906a Weill, Julian, 897a Weimar Republic, judicial system in, lxviii, 362n Weiner, Armin (1880–1953), solicits signature to manuscript of Einstein 1921e, 621, 945a Weissenberg, Karl, employment of at KWIP, Laue on, 930a Schmidt-Ott on, 930a Weizmann, Chaim (1874–1952), lxxvi, lxxvii, 74, 205, 207n, 250n, 316, 329, 330n, 383n, 520, 526, 577, 578, 626, 819, 870a, 882a, 884a, 889a, 899a, 909a, 918a, 919a, 926a, 928a, 931a, 947a asks AE to represent Hebrew University at IIIC, 899a AE on, 316 BOGHU on AE’s resignation from, 932a as head of, Felix Warburg objects, 903a AE agrees, 343 proposed as member of, 907a resigns membership of, 55 AE protests, 56–57 3rd meeting, proposes date for, AE on, 488, 924a Kohn on, 922a, 924a AE accepts, 925a congratulates Freud, 458 Fodor, on limited leadership abilities of, 471– 472 on Haden-Guest, 937a Hapgood, recommends, 872a Hebrew University, 471–472 Brodetsky, proposes as “rector” of, 824 gets involved in, 365 plans to focus on matters of, AE on, 425 on Jewish Agency, 54 Keren Hayesod, invites AE to fundraising in Stockholm, 273–274 AE declines, 316 Kraus, AE recommends to, 927a on Krichewsky, 909a, 916a on Magnes, 512 criticizes, 471–472, 520 AE on, 477 meeting in Berlin, 886a, 926a meeting in London, invites AE to, 928a AE declines, 928a Rosenbloom advisory committee, member, 914a Salaman-Polianowsky, AE recommends to, 180 Verband zur Förderung der Universität, Jerusa- lem, report on meeting with, 889a on Warburg, Otto, 520–521 Zionist Organisation, will resign presidency of, 54–55 AE on, 56 ZOA convention, solicits message to, 870a Weizmann, Vera (1881–1966), 56n Weltbühne, AE candidate for publication of his