8 8 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 5 155. From Auguste Piccard Brussels, 21 October 1925 Since his last report in Doc. 87 on his plans, they set up a provisional apparatus and per- formed satisfactory test runs. ALS. [19 213]. 156. From Internationale Arbeiterhilfe, Zentralkomitee Berlin, 22 October 1925 Encloses its bulletin, in which the matter of the forty arrested workers and the former People’s commissar Mátyás Rákosi is addressed, as well as the protest telegram to the Hungarian government, reactions from the French press, and a third protest signed by prominent professors and sent to the Hungarian government. TLS. [43 958]. Enclosures are [43 959] and [43 960]. 157. From Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag (Adolf J. Storfer) Vienna, 22 October 1925 Is sending its first almanac, and inquires whether AE would be interested in receiving the first nine volumes (of the eleven envisaged) of the Freud complete edition. TLS. [32 519.1]. 158. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 23 October 1925 Will be visiting Germany in regard to certain matters, including the collaboration of the expert on bibliography of economic sciences. Before meeting with Otto Soehring and Hugo Krüss, would like to meet with AE. Will be in Berlin on 25 October, at Hotel Ex- celsior. TLS. [82 854]. 159. From Julien Luchaire Paris, 24 October 1925 The installation of the IIIC Paris is progressing, and regular work of the sections is ex- pected to commence in the first half of November. Several countries have already sent representatives (France, Romania, Austria, Chile, Brazil). Is inquiring whether Ger- many might be able to do the same, especially in light of the upcoming meeting in Lo- carno. C. H. Becker had expressed interest in the position. Gerhart von Schulze-Gaever- nitz has written that he won’t be able to take up his functions before next March. TLS. [34 916]. 160. From Ministry of Interior (Georg Kaisenberg) Berlin, 24 October 1925 Informs the members of the board of the Walther Rathenau-Stiftung that upon the depar- ture of privy councilor Fritz Milkau from the board, the Reichspresident, in agreement with Mrs. Rathenau, has appointed in his stead privy councilor Hugo Krüss, general di- rector of the Preussische Staatsbibliothek, for the duration of his current position. TLS. [32 828]. 161. From Albert Brinitzer Berlin, 26 October 1925 In addition to his Hoffmann & Campe publishing house, he intends to start a Jewish pub- lishing enterprise, offering inexpensive books. Requests AE’s participation in the hon- orary board. Overstock books will be sent to Palestine. TLS. [43 377]. 162. From Arthur S. Eddington [Cambridge,] 26 October 1925 In response to Doc. 91, has not yet received reprints of Eddington 1925b. Had not at- tached a great deal of importance to the paper, “but it seemed an interesting way of turn- ing round the argument, and useful to those who like myself have not followed deeply the arguments of statistical mechanics which lead to Boltzmann’s formula.” Has heard of Einstein 1925t (Doc. 17). ALS. [9 285]. 163. From Raschko Zaycoff Sofia, 26 October 1925 As a follow-up to Abs. 128, reiterates his request that his essay be published. In it, the only modifications address the possibility of connecting the Hamilton principle with the