C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 7 9 5 3 770. From Oskar Frankl Prague, 24 February 1927 Requests a written contribution for the special issue of the monthly cultural magazine Urania, to be issued on the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Prague Urania. TLS. [28 053]. 771. From Hein Herbers Hagen, 24 February 1927 Has been convicted of inciting Reichswehr soldiers to rebel in his writings in the news- paper Das Andere Deutschland. Has appealed the verdict and requests that AE and other readers agree to be deposed. TLS. [46 662]. 772. From Otto Klatte Düsseldorf, 24 February 1927 As a metallurgical engineer, intends to improve the oxygen content of air by reducing the nitrogen content in the exhaust gases of furnaces. His invention is a turbine and a centrifuge operated by pressurized air. Requests AE’s help in finding banks and entre- preneurs to finance further development. ALS. [25 123]. 773. To Otto Klatte [Berlin, after 24 February 1927] In reply to Abs. 772, a quick calculation indicates that at today’s centrifuge speeds of 100 rotations/s one cannot achieve a significant separation of nitrogen and oxygen. ADftS. [25 124]. 774. From Count Georg von Arco, M. Deri, Joseph Petzoldt, et al. [Berlin, before 25 February 1927] Circular letter regarding research in philosophy. In order to address recent topics in sci- ence, such as genetics, the theory of relativity, brain research, and developmental bio- logy and psychology, a local group of the International Society for Empirical Philosophy has been founded in Berlin. Their results will be published in the Annalen der Philo- sophie. Request expressions of interest. PD. [43 084]. 775. From Count Georg von Arco Berlin, 25 February 1927 Resends Abs. 774. Such an organization can render useful services at a time when meta- physical currents reach over from philosophy into science. Invites AE to the founding meeting on 27 February in his home. TLS. [43 083]. 776. From Casa Editrice Giacomo Agnelli Milano, 25 February 1927 Reiterates its request for a contribution to the A. Volta jubilee volume (see Abs. 335). TLS. [45 185]. 777. From Forschungen und Fortschritte Berlin, 25 February 1927 Sends newspaper clippings of AE’s lecture to the Mathematisch-Physikalische Arbeits- gemeinschaft at the University of Berlin on 23 February 1927 (Appendix G) and re- quests a longer article on the topic. TLS. [46 213]. 778. To Casa Editrice Giacomo Agnelli [Berlin, after 25 February 1927] In reply to Abs. 776, does not have the time to comply with the request. ALSf. [45 186]. 779. To Forschungen und Fortschritte [Berlin, after 25 February 1927] In reply to Abs. 777, his lecture did not contain anything new and therefore is unsuitable for the publication. ADftS. [46 214]. 780. From Teodor Schlomka Halle a. S., 27 February 1927 In reply to Doc. 486, estimates he needs 500 M. The compasses available at the local airport are not satisfactory, and he is trying to obtain different ones. Thanks for AE’s cor- rections of his mistakes. ALS. [21 510].