C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 9 2 3 will suit AE, who will also be in Switzerland until 20 August. They would also like to invite representatives of U.S. physicians. Requests AE’s approval. TLC. [91 431]. 465. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 18 May 1926 Has received Doc. 283. TLC. [82 851]. 466. From Augustus Trowbridge Paris, 18 May 1926 Has received an application from Sites Chandra Kar for a fellowship of the International Education Board on the influence of quanta on magnetism, anomalous Zeeman effect, and associated phenomena. Kar states he has worked under AE’s direction (see Abs. 270). Inquires about Kar’s abilities. TLS. [43 967]. 467. To Gotthold Weil [Berlin, 20 May 1926] Requests that they visit together the library of the recently deceased Gregor Itelson in order to explore the possibility of donating and/or selling the books to the Hebrew Uni- versity. Funds are needed to support Itelson’s Russian foster daughter. ALSX. [122 397]. 468. From Emil Rupp [Heidelberg,] 20 May 1926 Has repeated the experiments with arrangement I (see Abs. 457) with one diaphragm in- stead of two, placed directly at the end of the cathode tube, and 5 mm from it, respec- tively, with 0.l and 0.02 mm grids. Found complete agreement with AE’s calculations. The arrangement III gave similar results but with lower intensity. When he removed the diaphragm, no minima of intensity were found. As sources of error he cites (1) beam dis- persion, (2) the high range of velocity distribution, (3) the rest intensity (with Hg), and (4) flaws in the optical part of the interferometer. ALS. [20 397]. 469. From S. L. Schor Czortków (Poland), 21 May 1926 Bemoans the slow progress made in many areas, such as the Hebrew University, peace process, and wishes AE well in his work at the League of Nations. Mentions his friend Max Nordau. ALS. [31 759]. 470. From Arthur Korn Berlin, 23 May 1926 Subsequent to their conversation, encloses proposal for world synchronization for the League of Nations and construction of a photo-telegraphic transmitter station in Geneva (see Abs. 452 and Abs. 458). TLS. [44 181]. 471. From Metodi Popov Berlin, 25 May 1926 The Bulgarian ambassador informs of the content of Abs. 453 and attaches letter from the Education Ministry. TLS. [24 171]. 472. From M. M. Warburg & Co. Hamburg, 25 May 1926 In the absence of Max M. Warburg, acknowledges receipt of AE’s letter (nonextant) of 18 May that the firm forwarded to him. Warburg has contacted Cassirer. Will follow up with a reply. TLS. [45 209]. 473. From Julius Hirsch Berlin, 26 May 1926 Apologizes for the unfortunate incident that the driver, with a damaged car, arrived too late. In the matter of David Koigen, which is not progressing easily, attaches a letter from Heinrich Sieveking and one from Walter Simons (Hochschule für Politik). TLS. [44 165].