9 4 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 631. From Emmanuel Siblik Paris, 6 November 1926 Sends manuscript of Einstein 1926z that he has written at AE’s request. TLS. [73 054]. 632. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 8 November 1926 Circular letter requesting approval of the resolution proposed by the Commission of Arts and Letters concerning the exchange of stamps and their exhibition among Paris, Lon- don, Madrid, and Germany. At the bottom, AE drafted an approval of the resolution. TLS. [34 940]. 633. From Leo Szilard [Berlin,] 8 November 1926 Has written to Bamag (see Leo Szilard to Herbert Peiser, 8 November 1926 [35 562] and Abs. 624), and sent original of Abs. 634, a copy of which he attaches. TL. [35 561]. 634. Draft contract with Bamag-Meguin Co. [Berlin, 8 November 1926] Offer from the company to buy, develop, produce and sell three refrigerator types that make use of absorption, diffusion, and water steam jet, respectively. Proposes how to share profit from coolers sold in Germany and abroad, and conditions of ownership of the license. Attached to Abs. 633. TDft. [35 566]. 635. From Raschko Zaycoff Sofia, 8 November 1926 Thanks AE for his continued assistance and regrets his earlier letter, written in despera- tion (see Abs. 599). He will take his exams in February and March. His stipend has been increased (see Abs. 607). Will return to Berlin for his doctorate. ALS. [24 178]. 636. From Harry Bergmann Berlin, 10 November 1926 Is a friend of Otto Bothe and an investor in Bothe’s Botophon enterprise. Bothe and Georg Maschke had a falling out over contractual matters in their technical joint project. Inquires whether AE could help in restoring productive collaboration. TLS. [44 404]. 637. From Marie Curie [Paris?, 10 November 1926] Encloses a copy of her reply [34 823] to Paul Painlevé’s letter to members of committee of directors of IIIC on employment of Paul Mantoux (see Abs. 630). Considers further discussion necessary. Would like to agree with AE. ALS. [34 822]. 638. To Harry Bergmann [Kiel,] 11 November 1926 In reply to Abs. 636, has complete confidence in Maschke’s integrity, and will try to in- tervene. ALSX. [44 405]. 639. From the PAW Berlin, 11 November 1926 Requests copies of Einstein 1919a, 1920c, and 1921b for new photo-lithographic repro- duction, since there is demand in the book trade. TLS. [43 016]. 640. From Jacob de Vos van Steenwijk Paris, 12 November 1926 Thanks for the two tickets to the Mars exhibition at the Treptow Observatory (see Abs. 618). TLS. [34 944]. 641. To Marie Curie [Berlin,] 13 November 1926 In reply to Abs. 637, informs her that he had already agreed with Paul Painlevé’s pro- posal regarding the appointment of Paul Mantoux (see Abs. 630). Had he known Curie’s opinion at the time, he would have waited with his reply. Sends congratulations on the marriage of her daughter Irène Curie to Frédéric Joliot on 9 October (see Brian 2005, p. 211). TTrL (SzZuETH). [34 824].