C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 7 9 4 7 704. From Jüdischer Arbeiterkulturverein “Perez” Berlin, [after 1927] Requests signed statement by AE that would be auctioned and benefit its assistance to Jewish workers in Berlin. TLS. [47 159]. This item may be of a later date. 705. To Francis Neilson [Berlin, before 1 January 1927] Sends New Year’s greetings, thanking for their thoughtfulness. ALSX. [47 717]. 706. From Auguste Piccard and Ernst Stahel Brussels, 1 January 1927 Their new laboratory experiments showed less than 5% of shift of spectral lines com- pared to D. C. Miller’s results that had led him to obtain an ether wind of 10 km/s. TLS. [19 221]. 707. From Kurt Tucholsky [?, 1 January 1927–December 1931] Thanks for AE’s kind words regarding his article in Die Weltbühne. AL. [48 634]. 708. From Paul Valéry Paris, 2 January [1927] Was profoundly moved by AE’s letter (Doc. 431). A rigorous examination of fundamen- tal political ideas and of national instincts, similar to AE’s critical insights into the nature of the universe, ought to be attempted so that human affairs cease to depend on elemen- tary reflexes and primitive impulses. It is in this spirit that he had spoken in Berlin on the reconciliation of France and Germany. ALS. [34 288]. 709. From E. Dovin Clermont-Ferrand, 6 January 1927 Is sending his work “Genèse de la gamme, solution de différend entre les physiciens et les musiciens,” in which he completely refutes the current physical theory that explains the genesis of the tonal scale. ALS. [46 061]. 710. To Leo Kohn Berlin, 8 January 1927 Forwards the work of S. Krichewsky, who also wrote to Ch. Weizmann. Cannot evaluate in detail his work, but believes he would be suitable if a meteorological station were to be built in Palestine (see Abs. 406). TLSX. [37 750]. 711. From Hedwig Born Göttingen, 10 January [1927] Thanks for AE’s critique in Doc. 444. Has received comments from other readers, in- cluding David Hilbert. Recalls AE’s statement—if not his exact words—when he was sick: “Ich fühle mich so solidarisch mit allem Lebenden, dass es mir einerlei ist, wo der Einzelne anfängt und aufhört.” Disagrees with AE about the abilities of women writers. Thanks him for forwarding the play to professionals. Includes drawings by the Borns’ children. ALS. [8 264]. Einstein and Born 1969, pp. 133–134. 712. From Hans Albert Einstein Zurich, 10 January 1927 Was pleased to receive AE’s postcard and will be glad to accept his invitation to Berlin. Cannot say exactly when he will arrive as he is negotiating a position in the Rhineland. May arrive in ten days. ALS. [144 051]. 713. From Leon Steinig Geneva, 10 January 1927 Requests further written support for his project regarding the Weltverband der jüdischen Studentenschaft within the Internationale Weltstudentenwerk. Hopes that the assistance work for unemployed intellectual workers will succeed. ALS. [48 495]. 714. From Leopold Jessner Berlin, 11 January1927 As artistic director of the Staatliches Schauspielhaus, thanks AE for sending Hedwig Born’s script (see Doc. 444), which is being examined by the dramaturgy department. TLS. [47 091].
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