D O C U M E N T 4 3 1 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 6 6 6 3 over ignorance and war” (see Geison 1995, pp. 261–262). In the text of Baldwin’s speech, as reported in The Times, there is no mention of the quote (see The Times, 2 December 1925). [9]The publication was titled Bulletin des relations universitaires. [10]A meeting of the directors of National University Offices was held in Paris on 7–9 July 1926 “to consider the means of establishing regular co-operation between these various bodies and between each of them and the Institute.” For a report on the meeting and its official recommendations, see League 1926c, pp. 80–85. [11]Gabriel Henriot, a prominent French archivist and librarian and president of the Association des Biblithécaires Français (ABF), had contacted the ICIC in 1924 and subsequently undertook a survey of national library associations sponsored by the ABF. He presented a proposal for the establishment of an International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) at the International Congress of Librar- ians and Booklovers, held in Prague on 28 June–3 July 1926. Henriot recommended that the IFLA be set up on the premises and under the auspices of the IIIC (see Wedgeworth 1993, p. 347, and Rayward 1994, pp. 342–347). [12]The publication was the Bulletin des relations scientifiques. [13]Valéry was a member of the ICIC’s subcommittee on arts and letters and chairman of the Paris PEN Club. [14]The planned Répertoire international des musées. [15]Gustav Kögel (1882–1945) was a German photochemist and Associate Professor of Chemistry at the Technische Hochschule in Karlsruhe. In 1914, he invented palimpsest photography, which applied ultraviolet radiation to photograph parchment (see also Abs. 729). [16]The publication was Institute 1927. [17]Reynold was also a member of the ICIC. 431. To Paul Valéry Berlin 11. XII. 26 Verehrter Herr P. Valéry! Ich hatte die Freude, Sie hier zu hören und Ihnen die Hand zu drücken. Mehr liess Ihre mühselige und tapfer zu Ende geführte Mission nicht zu.[1] Es ist hoch erfreulich, dass die geistig Führenden in Frankreich und Deutschland anfangen, ihre Kräfte in den Dienst der für beide Länder so wichtigen Annäherung zu stellen. Es ist harte und für den Augenblick wenig dankbare Arbeit, aber wahrhaft ver- dienstlich. Es grüsst Sie mit aller Hochachtung Ihr A. Einstein AKS. [74 099]. The card is addressed “Monsieur Paul Valéry Institut de France Academie Paris Frankreich,” with return address “Albert Einstein Haberlandstr. 5 Berlin W,” both in Heinrich Zangger’s hand “Quai Conti” is added in another hand, then the address is crossed out and “40 Rue de Villejust Paris XVI” is added in another hand. The card is postmarked “Berlin–Wilmersdorf 11. 12. 26. 4–5N[achmittags].” A French translation in Valéry’s hand is also available ([74 100]). [1]For Valéry’s lectures in Berlin and the greetings he conveyed to Einstein, and on French oppo- sition to Valéry’s visit to Berlin, see Doc. 401, especially note 5.