C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 9 3 3 561. From Richmond P. Hobson Washington, D.C., 9 August 1926 The Philadelphia World Conference on Narcotic Education was a very gratifying suc- cess. Sends report and requests participation on one of its committees. TLS. [44 516]. 562. From Ralph E. Oesper Berlin, 11 August 1926 Because of AE’s absence from Berlin, was unable to present the compliments of the stu- dents of chemistry at the University of Cincinnati. Requests signed photograph and signed reprint, preferably dealing with Brownian motion. ALS. [44 620]. 563. From Hedwig-Berta von Sierstorpff Ragaz, 21 August 1926 Reminding of an evening in winter when they met at Count Harry Kessler’s, writes in behalf of Han You Kia, who desires that China be represented both on the ICIC and at the IIIC. TLS. [44 902]. 564. From [Montagu David Eder?] [London?,] 22 August 1926 Sends provisional report of London meeting of the BOGHU. TLC. [91 439]. 565. From Albert Karr-Krüsi Zurich, 24 August 1926 Was hoping to see AE again on his homeward trip. Requests AE’s help in finding a po- sition for Erwin Hellmann, his cousin, a chemist in Vienna, who is seeking employment with the Badische Anilin- & Sodafabrik in Ludwigshafen. TLS. [44 099]. 566. From Ferdinand Timpe (Rote Hilfe) Berlin, 24 August 1926 Thanks AE for supporting the action against the proposed law “Protection of Minors against Obscene and Pulp Literature” (see Doc. 367). The attached formulation will be distributed at the opening of the Leipzig Book Fair requests AE’s signature. TLS. [45 115]. 567. From Robert Eisler Unterach (Austria), 25 August 1926 Thanks for AE’s and Alfred Przibram’s letters. Attaches Karl Babcock’s answer, from which it emerges that nothing will come of his proposals to the Carnegie Foundation, and asks that AE intervene with Babcock in Geneva in September. ALS. [43 628]. 568. From Journalisten- & Schriftsteller-Verein Urheberschutz E. V. Berlin, 26 August 1926 For its philanthropic activities, requests AE’s participation in its honorary circle of as- sociates. TLS. [44 034]. 569. From Verein Deutscher Ingenieure Berlin, 28 August 1926 The Lübeck branch of its organization inquires whether AE could give a talk of 1.5–two hours in early October. TLS. [43 954]. 570. To Verein Deutscher Ingenieure [Berlin, after 28 August 1926] Since he receives too many similar invitations, he always regretfully has to decline in response to Abs. 569. ADft. [43 955]. 571. From Beatrice Jahn-Rusconi-Besso Divonne, 29 August 1926 Regrets not having been able to see AE in Switzerland (see Abs. 559) confesses that she wanted to discuss a ten-page “essai de rapprochement entre la physique et la meta- physique” that she has written, and asks whether AE is willing to read it, despite Michele Besso’s discouraging her from sending it. ALS. [44 836]. 572. To Rabindranath Tagore [Berlin, September 1926] Dedication at bottom of AE picture by Suse Byk. ADS. [79 192].
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Volume 15: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence, June 1925-May 1927 resources

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C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 9 3 3 561. From Richmond P. Hobson Washington, D.C., 9 August 1926 The Philadelphia World Conference on Narcotic Education was a very gratifying suc- cess. Sends report and requests participation on one of its committees. TLS. [44 516]. 562. From Ralph E. Oesper Berlin, 11 August 1926 Because of AE’s absence from Berlin, was unable to present the compliments of the stu- dents of chemistry at the University of Cincinnati. Requests signed photograph and signed reprint, preferably dealing with Brownian motion. ALS. [44 620]. 563. From Hedwig-Berta von Sierstorpff Ragaz, 21 August 1926 Reminding of an evening in winter when they met at Count Harry Kessler’s, writes in behalf of Han You Kia, who desires that China be represented both on the ICIC and at the IIIC. TLS. [44 902]. 564. From [Montagu David Eder?] [London?,] 22 August 1926 Sends provisional report of London meeting of the BOGHU. TLC. [91 439]. 565. From Albert Karr-Krüsi Zurich, 24 August 1926 Was hoping to see AE again on his homeward trip. Requests AE’s help in finding a po- sition for Erwin Hellmann, his cousin, a chemist in Vienna, who is seeking employment with the Badische Anilin- & Sodafabrik in Ludwigshafen. TLS. [44 099]. 566. From Ferdinand Timpe (Rote Hilfe) Berlin, 24 August 1926 Thanks AE for supporting the action against the proposed law “Protection of Minors against Obscene and Pulp Literature” (see Doc. 367). The attached formulation will be distributed at the opening of the Leipzig Book Fair requests AE’s signature. TLS. [45 115]. 567. From Robert Eisler Unterach (Austria), 25 August 1926 Thanks for AE’s and Alfred Przibram’s letters. Attaches Karl Babcock’s answer, from which it emerges that nothing will come of his proposals to the Carnegie Foundation, and asks that AE intervene with Babcock in Geneva in September. ALS. [43 628]. 568. From Journalisten- & Schriftsteller-Verein Urheberschutz E. V. Berlin, 26 August 1926 For its philanthropic activities, requests AE’s participation in its honorary circle of as- sociates. TLS. [44 034]. 569. From Verein Deutscher Ingenieure Berlin, 28 August 1926 The Lübeck branch of its organization inquires whether AE could give a talk of 1.5–two hours in early October. TLS. [43 954]. 570. To Verein Deutscher Ingenieure [Berlin, after 28 August 1926] Since he receives too many similar invitations, he always regretfully has to decline in response to Abs. 569. ADft. [43 955]. 571. From Beatrice Jahn-Rusconi-Besso Divonne, 29 August 1926 Regrets not having been able to see AE in Switzerland (see Abs. 559) confesses that she wanted to discuss a ten-page “essai de rapprochement entre la physique et la meta- physique” that she has written, and asks whether AE is willing to read it, despite Michele Besso’s discouraging her from sending it. ALS. [44 836]. 572. To Rabindranath Tagore [Berlin, September 1926] Dedication at bottom of AE picture by Suse Byk. ADS. [79 192].

