C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 9 1 9 431. To Leo Kohn [Berlin,] 24 April 1926 Is pleased about Celia Rosenbloom’s donation to the Hebrew University, yet regrets that it is only intended for the Institute of Jewish Studies. Will write to Felix M. Warburg, who unfortunately has decided not to visit Europe. Does not believe Warburg is in good hands in the United States. Arthur Felix seems to be the right choice for the Microbio- logical Institute. Wonders how Chaim Weizmann will deal with Judah L. Magnes. ALS. [37 736]. 432. From Michele Besso Bern, 24 April 1926 Reminds of sending the draft of Beck, Go. 1926. AKS. [82 923]. 433. From [Abgeordneter] Berlin, 26 April 1926 With reference to his (nonextant) letter in mid-March, had sent AE attached material upon instigation of Robert Bosch in Stuttgart. They intend to create an office that would work in behalf of a closer relationship between Germans in the United States and Ger- many. The collaboration of leading scientific personalities is desired. AE’s moral sup- port is important. Requests AE’s participation. TLS. [43 330]. 434. From Leo Kohn [London,] 26 April 1926 Thanks for Abs. 431. Believes the letter to Warburg needs some changes regarding Ch. Weizmann’s wishes. Weizmann will visit at the end of next week. Is returning the letter from Celia Rosenbloom. TLC. [91 427]. 434a. To Ida Hurwitz [Berlin,] before 27 April 1926 Apologizes for not extending the necessary attention to her. His wife often expresses similar sentiments. But mishaps are inevitable as a result of the multitude of his commit- ments and his poor memory. Moreover, recently, things have been even more in turmoil due to the severe illness, surgery, and death of his father-in-law. Extends greeting to her daughter Lisbeth. ALS (SzZuETH, Hs. 304:1180). [71 690]. 435. From Georg Joos Jena, 28 April 1926 The Naturwissenschaften rudely rejected the manuscript (see Doc. 266). He is now us- ing Kerr cell in the experimental setup and will then publish everything elsewhere. ALS. [13 466]. 436. From Viktor Conrad Vienna, 29 April 1926 Thanks for AE’s agreement to be included in the official list of collaborators of Gerlands Beiträgen zur Geophysik (see Abs. 420). TLS. [43 486]. 437. From Adolf Donath Berlin, 29 April 1926 Was extremely happy that AE read his Judenlieder (Donath 1920). ALS. [43 566]. 438. From Paul Plandrak (Neues Wiener Journal) Berlin, 29 April 1926 On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Burgtheater in Vienna, the chief editor of the Neues Wiener Journal, Jakob Lippowitz, has made an endowment, outlined in the attached newspaper announcement [44 543]. The bequest should be used to award a ring annually in recognition of outstanding activities in behalf of the Burgtheater or outstand- ing artistic achievement. Requests AE’s endorsement in writing. TL. [44 542]. 439. From Zionist Organisation [Leo Kohn] [London,] 29 April 1926 Montague D. Eder suggests that the BOGHU send a telegram of congratulations to its fellow member, Sigmund Freud, on the occasion of his seventieth birthday on 6 May. Requests AE’s agreement. TLC. [91 429].