D O C U M E N T 3 1 9 J U LY 1 9 2 6 5 1 9 [1]This document was sent as an attachment to Doc. 319. [2]For Einstein’s previous criticism of Judah L. Magnes, see Doc. 285. [3]For the relevant correspondence, see Docs. 164 and 214. [4]Israel J. Kligler. For the relevant background, see Doc. 186, note 8. [5]Binyamin Amira. See Doc. 186, note 7, and Doc. 214. [6]In the version of the minutes of the second meeting of the BOGHU approved of by Einstein, a “Fakultaetsgremium” (“faculty board”) was to be established that would consist of the university’s heads of institutes and professors. This board would be able to submit proposals regarding academic issues to the university’s academic council, which consisted mainly of Jewish scholars in the Dias- pora. In the version of the minutes approved of by Magnes, an “academic committee” was to be estab- lished that would be subordinate to the university’s Jerusalem-based executive, i.e., chancellor Magnes and deputy chancellor Norman Bentwich (see “Protokoll der Zweiten Sitzung des Kuratori- ums der Universitaet Jerusalem, abgehalten am 23. Sept. 1925 in Muenchen” [IL-JeCZA, L12/83/1/ 1], and “Draft. Minutes of the Second Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Hebrew University Held at Munich in the house of Dr. Eli Strauss September 23rd and 24th, 1925” [OCAJA, Felix M. Warburg Papers, MS-457, box 220, folder 6]). [7]In the margin to the left of this sentence, Einstein has inserted a vertical line and the word “zurückgenommen” in his hand. 319. To Chaim Weizmann [Berlin,] 6. VII. 26. Lieber Herr Weizmann! Anbei sende ich Ihnen einen Brief, der zur Übersendung an alle Kuratoriums- Mitglieder bestimmt war.[1] Nun war gestern der von mir sehr geschätzte Prof. O. Warburg[2] bei mir, den ich über die Universitätsangelegenheiten befragte. Er trat sehr warm für Magnes ein. Deshalb sehe ich davon ab, dem Kuratorium die Abset- zung von Herrn Magnes zu empfehlen.[3] Andererseits bleibe ich aber dabei, dass für mich jedes Zusammenwirken mit Herrn Magnes unmöglich ist. Ich werde mich, solange Herrn Magnes die Angelegenheiten in Palästina leitet nicht mehr aktiv mit den Angelegenheiten der Universität beschäftigen. Ich bitte Sie sehr, dies und den Inhalt des beiliegenden Briefes der in der Lon- doner Sitzung anwesenden Personen mitzuteilen.[4] Mit freundlichem Gruss Ihr A. Einstein. ALSX (IL-JeCZA L12/147I). [37 742]. [1]The members of the BOGHU. For the attached letter, see Doc. 318. [2]Otto Warburg (1859–1938) was a German-Jewish botanist, former president of the Zionist Organisation, and head of the Hebrew University’s Institute of Palestine Natural History. [3]Einstein had originally proposed that Judah L. Magnes be dismissed as chancellor of the Hebrew University but then withdrew the demand (see Doc. 318, note 7). [4]The next meeting of the board was planned for late July or early August (see Abs. 496).
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