1 0 6 0 I N D E X Tolischus, Otto D. (1890–1967), 294, 899a so- licits statement on charge of blasphemy against relativity, 954a Toller, Ernst, 146n Tomarkin, 907a Tomaschek, Rudolf (1895–1966), lxvi on aberration, 321n AE asked for opinion on, 956a provides, 956a repeats Miller’s experiment, 148, 296, 671, 905a AE on, 438 Tönnies, Ferdinand, 146n, 393n Traube, Isidor (1860–1943), 452 Trebitsch, Siegfried, 530n Trieglaff, Johannes condolences on Rudolf Einstein’s death, 920a patent of, 920a short bio of for Elsa Einstein, 920a Trouton-Noble experiment, lxvii Trowbridge, Augustus, 929a, 934a on Rockefeller fellowship for Gaviola, 954a, 956a solicits opinion on Sites Chandra Kar, 923a Tschachotin, Sergei solicits recommendation for Rockefeller fellowship, 959a AE pro- vides, 961a Tucholsky, Kurt (a.k.a. Ignaz Wrobel) (1890– 1935), 361, 362n, 457, 638n, 714, 715n 944a AE praises article by, 947a Tuchschmid, August (1855–1939), 15 Uhlenbeck, George (1900–1988), 235, 424n, 729n Ullstein, Franz, AE recommends film project of Lux to, 950a, 951a Ultrasound scanning of seabed, Anschütz and Langevin cooperate in, 603, 613, 938a, 939a Ulysses, by James Joyce, 676, 735–736 history of publication of, 737n Roth, pirate publisher of, 736n Unamuno, Miguel, 901a Uncertainty relations, lxxxiv, lxxxv, lxxxvi, 807n, 814n Heisenberg solicits opinion on, 823 Unified field theory AE on, xliii, li, 58–65, 85, 90, 101, 102, 112, 126, 129, 137, 139, 320 affine approach, 59, 65n, 191, 241, 287, 311 Besso on, 87–88 calculations, 99, 243–245 fails, AE on, 170, 327 Five-dimensional approach of (see Five- dimensional theory) and general relativity, AE on, 190–191, 319– 320, 367–368, 413–416, 435, 486–488, 495 Rainich on, 175, 221–222 of gravitation, electromagnetism, and wave mechanics, Oskar Klein on, 576 (See also Geometrization, of physical fields) Hornbostel on, 946a Lorentz on, 155–160, 161–163 AE contra- dicts, 172–173 metric-affine approach of, 58–65, 85, 87, 155– 164, 172–174 of Kaluza, AE on, 625, 716–721, 752–759 (see also Five-dimensional theory) as opposed to dualistic theory, 190–191 of Weyl, 742 AE on, 424, 743n Weyl-Eddington-Schouten theory (see Unified field theory, affine approach) Union nationale des Associations d’Étudiants de France, invites AE, 902a United Palestine Appeal, 913a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto, invites AE and solicits lecture in Esperanto, 893a, 914a University and National Library, Jerusalem, de- livery of reports, books, and reprints from AE’s apartment to, 885a University of Berlin, position for Reichenbach at, 245, 317, 502, 899a University of Bern, AE’s Habilitation at, 868a University of Cincinnati, students compliment AE, 933a University of Cologne, invites AE to lecture, AE declines, 892a University of Frankfurt, position for Reichen- bach at, Oppenheim on, 889a University of Kazan, Physical-Mathematical Society at, solicits reprints or books, 897a University of Prague, position for Reichenbach at, 380, 387, 397–398 Frank on, 246, 332 University of Stuttgart, position for Reichenbach at, 398 Unruh, Fritz von, 146n, 871a, 873a, 901a Unsöld, Albrecht (1905–1995), 321 Urania, Prague, AE on tenth anniversary of, 773–775 Urey, Harold C., 899a U.S. National Research Council, stipend for Grommer, 587 Uzunoviü, Nikola, 741n