6 6 8 I N D E X
Hagenbach, August, 345n, 406n
Hahn, E., 606c
Hahn, Hans (1879–1934), 149n
Haider, Carl, requests information on KWIP
funding, 551c
Haifa, Technion, 153n
Halberstädter, (?), 434n
Haller, Friedrich, 191n
Hallwachs, Wilhelm: 563c; requests KWIP funds
for electrometer, granted, 613c, rejected, 566c
Hamburger, Margarete, dedications from AE,
Hamel, Georg (1877–1954): 454; lectures on
Weyl’s theory, 453
Hamilton principle, 35, 41, 209n
Hamiltonian, in Weyl’s theory, AE on, 89n
Hammer, Wilhelm: 569c; requests KWIP funds
for measurement of capacities and dielectric
constants, 556c, granted, 560c; requests KWIP
funds for measurement of electrical oscilla-
tions, granted, 567c
Hansen, Adolf (1851–1920), 45n
Harden, Maximilian (1861–1927), 43n, 71
Hardt, Ernst, 350n
Harms, Bernhard, 612c, 613c
Harms, Karl (1876–1946): 74, 209; in Bürger-
wehr, 60
Harnack, Adolf von (1851–1930), 108, 126n,
350n, 360n, 550c, 570c, 578c, 579c, 580c,
582c, 583c, 585c, 593c, 595c, 596c, 604c,
608c, 609c
Harress, Franz, on optics of moving bodies, 207–
209, 219
Hartmann, Alfred (1891–?), 192
Hartmann, Eduard, 148n, 575c
Hartmann, Johannes (1865–1936), 25
Hartmann, Ludo (1865–1924), 277, 491
Harzer, Paul (1857–1932): 209n; on light veloc-
ity, 220
Hasenclever, Walter, 609c
Hasse, Max, 592c
Hatred, political, Zangger on, 204
Hauck, (?), 556c
Hauptmann, Carl (1858–1921), 322, 323n
Hauptmann, Gerhart, 350n
Hauschner, Auguste, 558c
Hebrew University: AE on plans for, 578c; AE’s
statement on founding, 601c; as intellectual
center of world Jewry, 240; discussions on re-
search vs. teaching, 198n; Epstein prepared to
teach at, 180; for East European Jewish stu-
dents, 197, 198n; foundation stone laid, 254;
founding of, 153n, 197; funding for by Zion-
ist Organization, 364–365; involvement of
Courant, 222, 240, Ehrenfest, 222, 240, 352,
Epstein, 222, 240, Ornstein, 287, 316, 332,
415, Weizmann, 353n, 364; research insti-
tutes as of primary importance, 332; scholars’
conference in Basel, 212, 222, 227, 253–254,
271, 277, 287, 293, 298, 306, 316, 360, 588c,
596c, postponed, 326, 332, 339, 342, 352,
458n, program, 240–241, Zionist Organiza-
tion on, 153n. See also EINSTEIN, ALBERT:
JEWISH MATTERS: Hebrew University
Heger, Paul (1846–1925), 54, 113
Heim, Karl H. (1874–1958), 45n
Heine, Heinrich (1797–1856): 523n; poem on
Buridan’s ass, 339
Heine, Wolfgang (1861–1944), 326
Helfferich, Karl (1872–1924), lawsuit of, 389n
Helfritz, Hans (1877–1958), 433, 466n
Hellberg, (?), 133
Heller, Ester, 611c
Heller, Stephen (1813–1888), 90
Helm, Georg (1851–1923), 116
Helmholtz, Ludwig (1821–1894), 127, 235
Henri, Victor (1872–1940), 204
Hercules globular cluster, 278
Herglotz, Gustav (1881–1953): 415, 417n; on ri-
gidity in special relativity, 473; as successor
to Carathéodory, 352
Hermann publishing house. See Publishers
Herrigel, Hermann (1888–1973), 94
Hertel, Eduard (1899–1954), 437
Hertz, Paul (1881–1940), 75
Hertzsprung, Ejnar (1873–1967): 166, 199n,
216, 413, 502; on trying to arrange that Ed-
dington meet AE, 182
Herzen, Alexander, 415
Herzfeld, Karl (1892–1978), 439
Hilbert, David (1862–1943): 19n, 98n, 158n,
535, 564c, 602c; invites AE to join editorial
board of Mathematische Annalen, 317; method
of integral equations, 50; on keeping Debye
in Göttingen, 317; on theoretical physics at
University of Göttingen, 460, 464; regrets re-
jecting offer from University of Bern, 464;
requests AE’s opinion on Born, 434–435,
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