5 7 4 C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9
them. Provenance: C. John Habicht, Neerach, Switzerland.
[71 057].
August 7 Leaves Zurich for Schaffhausen.
August 8 Visits with the Habichts in Schaffhausen.
August 9 1-page LS. Hugo A. Krüss to Ministerialkasse, approves
3,000 M “one-time support to further his [Einstein’s] scien-
tific work” (“Einmalige Beihilfe zur Förderung seiner wis-
senschaftlichen Arbeiten”). Provenance: GyBSa, I. HA,
Rep. 76 Vc, Sekt. 2, Tit. 23, Litt. F, Nr. 2, Bd. 14, Bl. 271.
[82 201].
Arrives at Benzingen.
August 15 Returns to Berlin.
Decides not to lecture in winter term because of overwork.
August 17 1-page TLC to Max Hofsäss in Karlsruhe. Answers entry of
24 June late because of a seven-week trip. The figures pro-
posed in Hofsäss’s manuscript are of macroscopic character
and thus can have nothing to do with the structure of atoms.
Provenance: IsJHU. [43 939].
August 18 1-page ALS from Friedrich Krüger in Danzig-Langfuhr.
Not having received an answer to a letter sent 2.5 months
earlier (see entry of 2 June), sends Einstein a copy. Prove-
nance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 7, Mappe Krüger.
[77 837].
August 19 1-page TLS from “Demokratischer Klub” in Berlin. Asks
Einstein to join the club. Provenance: IsJHU. [43 517].
August 23 1-page TLC to Hedwig Kohn. The KWIP has only a small
amount of money, and the members of KWIP board of
directors are away. In order to handle the request with a bet-
ter hope of success, she is asked to go into detail about the
goal and methods of her planned research. Provenance:
GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 7, Mappe Kohn. [77 800].
1-page TLC to Otto Lummer in Breslau. The KWIP has
only a small amount of money, and the members of KWIP
board of directors are away. Upon their return he will sub-
mit the request and support it. He thanks Lummer for pre-
senting him with a copy of his book on illumination
engineering. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 8,
Mappe Lummer. [77 860].