D O C U M E N T 1 4 4 O C T O B E R 1 9 1 9 2 0 5
habe ich schon vor 1 Jahr hingewiesen. Der Frühling wird entscheiden, ob wir Herr
werden—aber eines: Die Blockade scheint den meisten allein Europa zu retten,
weil sonst durch alle Ritzen die Infection dh Träger u Inficierte
Ganz anders wäre es, wenn ein grosser Zug Medicamente hingeschickt würde mit
Aerzten. doch ist bei der fortschreitenden Vertierung unwahrscheinlich, dass med
Gesichtspunkte die Verteilung beherrschen würden, auch der Material würde zum
Object der grausamsten Speculation, die alles in Russland wie Wahnsinn be-
herrscht,—ebenso die Erpressung—das ist das Ungeheuerliche dieser Hydra—de-
ren Werden man überall spürt, bis Einsicht. Verantwortung einzelner Gruppen
Menschen der Welt helfen
Gute Wünsche
Kommen Sie her?
ALS. [39 722].
[1]This letter is dated on the assumption that it is written in response to Einstein’s letter, no longer
available, with content similar to Doc. 141.
[2]A “politically impartial source” had drawn Einstein’s attention to the Russian typhus epidemic
(see Doc. 141, note 2)
[3]Victor Henri (1872–1940), a French physical chemist, reorganized the Russian chemical indus-
try in Russia from 1915 until 1917, returning to France at the outbreak of the Bolshevik revolution
(see Organisation scientifique sur l’activité du travail en Russie dans la période de 1914 à 1918. Note
de M. Victor Henri, SzZSa, U 110 b .3, no. 59).
[4]See American Relief 1922.
[5]Bernard Bouvier (1861–1941), Professor of German Language and Literature at the University
of Geneva, who published on historical figures such as Rousseau, Voltaire, and Emile Zola, as well
as on Swiss history, was a member of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in 1919;
William Rappard (1883–1958) was Professor of International Law and Economic History at the Uni-
versity of Geneva, a member since July 1917 of the ICRC and in 1918 one of ten signatories of an
ICRC official appeal against the use of poisonous gases. He was sent by the Swiss government in 1917
and in 1918 to the United States to meet with President Woodrow Wilson, and in January 1919 to the
Paris Peace Conference. Rappard wrote many books on the quest for peace, free trade, the League of
Nations, collective security, and government systems (see, for example, Rappard 1917 and 1918). On
Rappard’s role representing the ICRC, see Hutchinson 1995 and Monnier 1995.
For background on Swiss relief efforts, in which Zangger presumably was involved, see Kreyen-
poth 1932, pp. 37–46; Monnier 1995, particularly pp. 302–312, which detail the activities of Rappard
and Bouvier; and Rappard 1917, 1918.
[6]On the postwar blockade of Russia and protests against it, see Doc. 141, note 3. For a 1919 work
arguing that the prewar economy of Russia had been completely integrated with that of Germany, see
Kadomtzeff 1919.
144. From Hedwig Born
[Frankfurt am Main,] 18. 10. 1919.
Liebe Einsteins!
Nur ein Wort des Dankes für die Karte, deren Zustimmung zum Becker-Briefe
Max ganz ungeheuer gefreut
Er dankt durch mich, da er influenzabehaftet