D O C U M E N T 2 0 A P R I L 1 9 1 9 3 3
J. J. Thomson (1856–1940) with nationalistic invectives against England.
[3]The enclosed manuscript is a partial translation of an anonymous review of Eddington 1918a
entitled “Gravitation and Relativity” published in Nature 103 (1919): 2, in its issue of 6 March 1919.
Contrary to Berliner’s announcement here, it was not published in Die Naturwissenschaften.
[4]Nutting 1918 called for a reduction in the influence of German scientists on the development of
American science, yet urged the hiring of talented foreigners, claimed as characteristic of German sci-
ence. The article indulges in stereotyping and in attacks on the originality of German scholarship,
including the charge that the majority of German scientists had plagiarized the work of others. Perley
G. Nutting (1873–?) was a physicist and director of the Westinghouse Research Laboratory in East
Pittsburgh, PA.
[5]See Crommelin 1919a.
[6]Frank W. Dyson (1868–1939) was Astronomer Royal of England; the paper is Dyson 1917.
[7]Arthur S. Eddington (1882–1944) was director of the observatory of Cambridge University.
[8]Einstein himself had advanced the “half-shift” prediction in the context of one of his earlier the-
ories of gravitation (see Einstein 1911h [Vol. 3, Doc. 23]).
[9]Published anonymously with stylistic as well as terminological changes in Die Naturwissen-
schaften 20 (1919): 368–369, in its issue of 16 May 1919.
[10]The anonymous article “America and German Science,” published in Nature 102 (1919): 446–
447, expresses satisfaction at the most anti-German passages of Nutting 1918.
20. From Helene Stöcker[1]
Berlin-Nikolassee, Münchowstr. 1. den 9. 4. 19.
Verehrter Herr Professor!
Wir glauben annehmen zu dürfen, dass die Forderungen des anliegenden Aufru-
fes auch die Ihren sind und wären ausserordentlich dankbar, wenn Sie durch Ihre
Unterschrift ihnen ein grösseres Gewicht geben
Wir wollen uns dann an
einen Kreis von etwa dreihundert ausgewählten Persönlichkeiten wenden, um diese
Erklärung, gestützt vom Gewicht einer Anzahl angesehener Persönlichkeiten, der
Regierung zu überreichen.
Da die Situation äusserst drängt, erbitten wir Ihre gütige sofortige Rückäusse-
Vielleicht dürfen wir uns im Notfalle gestatten, morgen vormittag telefo-
nisch bei Ihnen anzufragen, ob Sie diese Forderungen durch Ihre Unterschrift
unterstützen wollen.
In vorzüglicher Hochachtung
gez. Dr. Adolf Grabowsky, Max Hochdorf,
Prof. Dr. Gustav Radbruch, Dr. Walter Koch, Dr. Helene
N. B. Antworten erbeten an die oben angebene Adresse.
Dr. Helene Stöcker
TLS. [45 073]. Written on personal letterhead. Addressee’s name is typed above salutation: “Herrn
Prof. Einstein, Berlin W.”
[1]Stöcker (1869–1943) was a socialist member of several peace organizations, including the Bund
“Neues Vaterland” (BNV), and founder and editor of their monthly magazine Die neue Generation.
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