6 4 8 I N D E X
EINSTEIN, ALBERT (1879–1955): PERSONAL (cont.)
Brandhuber, Camillus: on concordance in
views with, 131, 133; visits with, 130–
131, 133, 213, planned, 128, 202, 204,
206–211, 212n, cancelled, 123, 211
Buchholz, Hugo, intervenes for position
for, 416
Censorship, postal, in Germany, 82, 108
Chavan, Lucien, intercedes on behalf of,
Contemporaries, on stupidity of, 47–48
Copenhagen, visits, 580c
Court expert opinion, works on, 196,
completes, 206
Customs inspection at border, 40
Delft, on sightseeing in, 223
Divorce, 154, 155, 179
Doctoral degree, value of, 245n
Dutch, on character of the, 51, 53, 55–56
Ehrenfest, Paul Jr., plays with, 247
Ehrenfest, Paul: deep sympathy for, 298;
enjoys children of, 219, 247, 253, 264;
first meeting with, 20; hospitality of,
297–298; on atheism of, 20; on his fi-
nancial debt to, 444; on violins for
daughters of, 246–247, 252, 267, 270,
277, 297, 337, 356; plays music with,
220, 222–223; praises for cleverness,
222–223; rooms in Leyden with, 50;
trip with, 262
Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa, Tatiana, trip
with, 265, 270
Einstein, Edith: involved in her disserta-
tion, 196, 199; sails with, 210; visited
by, 121
Einstein, Ida, visited by, 121
Einstein, Rudolf, visits with, 20
English, learns, l, 542
Epstein, Paul, on position at University of
Hamburg for, 337
Frankfurt, visit to, 94
German colleagues and authorities, good
will of, 89
Germany: considers leaving, xxxix, 205,
208, 496; on moving Swiss family to
Germany, 129, 133, 528–529, Hans
Albert Einstein against, 497–498
Goldscheid, Rudolf, sends paper as birth-
day present to, 521
Gottfried-Keller centenary at University
of Zurich, participates, 204, 205
Grommer, Jakob, cooperation with, 63
Guillaume, Edouard, compares to Weyl,
346, 354
Haas, De, visits, 223
Habicht, Conrad, visit with, 97
Haenisch, Konrad, requests help to obtain
apartment for Pauline Einstein from,
Health problems: 66–67, 68, 78, 84–85,
91, 100, 103, 107, 108, 116, 127, 138,
145; drinking cure in Tarasp for, 103;
history of, 74
Hertz, Paul, offers help in finding job for,
Hilbert, David, 36
Housemaid, proposes for his Zurich fa-
mily, 47
Jeffery, George, proposes English edition
of Lorentz et al. 1920 to, 524
Journalists, 262
Julius, Wilhelm: plays music with, 277;
visits with, 224, 247; on his expression
of sympathy, 424
Kamerlingh Onnes, Harm, visits with, 270
Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike, visits with,
224, 257, 465
Kamerlingh Onnes, Menso: rooms at
home of, 469; visits with, 270
Koch, Jacob, visits in Weggis, 121, 127
Kocherthaler, Lina, dedication to, 589c
Kottler, Friedrich, intervenes for position
for, 351–352
Lectures, plans to publish, 56
Lenard, Philipp: good experimentalist but
bad theoretician, 595c; compared with
Moszkowski and Wien, 468
Lorentz, Hendrik A., visits with, 52, 224,
225, 271
Maric; , Zora, as help for Mileva Einstein-
Maric; , 84
Moos, Adolf and Friedericke, dedication
to, 604c
Moszkowski, Alexander: against being
publicized by, 109; compared with
Philipp Lenard and Wilhelm Wien,
468; incapable of reviewing Einstein
1917a for Umschau, 117