I N D E X 6 4 7
US, 514, 515, 530. See also EINSTEIN, AL-
JEWISH MATTERS: on anti-Semitism, xli; in-
vited to join executive board of Associa-
tion for Combating Anti-Semitism, 597c,
declines, 432; Jewish Community of Ber-
lin, congregational tax, requested, 611c,
declines joining, 534; on status of Jewish
Community in Germany, xli; offers con-
tribution to Jewish charity, 534; on Jewish
students not admitted to German universi-
ties, 350; religious affiliation, 21n, 534;
sends manuscript of Einstein 1920k for
philanthropic cause, 504
LECTURES: at Schwäbische Sternwarte Soci-
ety, xlvi, 434, 601c; at Danish Astronom-
ical Society, 321, 364, 581c; at Leyden
Society for Scientific Lectures, 262, 264,
267, 271, 289, 572c; at Norwegian Stu-
dents’ Association, 265, 298, 315, 364; at
Physikalischer Verein, Frankfurt, 93, 94n,
95; at University of Göttingen, 32; at Uni-
versity of Hamburg, 262, 265, 337, 587c;
at University of Hanover, 604c; at Univer-
sity of Leyden, xlvi, 267, inaugural, 444,
469, 470, 603c, 604c, on date of, 373, 374;
at Volkshochschule für Proletarier, 261;
in Hanover, postpones, 465; in Oslo,
578c, 579c; at Kiel Autumn Week for Arts
and Sciences, xlvi, 431, 434, 598c, hono-
rarium for, 549. See also EINSTEIN,
OPINION ON: Adler’s manuscript, 80, 82; bal-
ance between theoretical and experimen-
tal physics at University of Vienna, 322–
323; Bloch 1918, 94; candidates for direc-
torship of Geodetic Institute Potsdam,
171–172; Dostoyevsky 1916, 153; Ehren-
haft, 322–323, 580c; Freundlich’s paper
on redshift, 225; Höchwald sanatorium,
104; induced gravitational field for ex-
plaining effect of brain concussion, 606c;
Keesom, 29; Kiel Autumn Week for Arts
and Sciences, 431; Kossel, 353; Leh-
mann’s paper on electrodynamic force be-
tween moving rods, 11; Lenz, 353;
Lilienthal’s theory, 581c; manuscript for
the Sitzungsberichte, 586c; Mewes’s
manuscript, 584c; Pflüger, 340; Rahm’s
paper, 602c; Sannig patent, 607c; Schmidt
1920, 509–510, 609c–610c; Schuchard on
“reaction force of electric wind,” 592c;
Tolstoy 1886, 56; Vischer 1900, 123
AE on self: as a good Swiss citizen, 89;
appreciated more in Berlin than in Zu-
rich, 496; attracted by early Christian-
ity, 24; distinguishes between political
conviction and personal relations, 89;
enjoys eventful life, 128; establishes a
household independent of relatives,
62; feels close to Berlin, 415; feels
honored by all, 75; gains weight, 110;
has trust in individuals but not in soci-
ety, 43; in good health, 40, 105, 106,
111, 131, 135, 136, 137, 195, 201, 223;
importance of extrapersonal ties, 56;
improving health, 92, 120, 129, 133,
160; lacks refuge from worldly affairs,
70–71; likes sea voyage, 262; on diffi-
culties of earlier separation from fami-
ly, 25; on learning English, l, 542; on
losing one’s mother, 315; optimist,
180; overvalued, 349; role as father,
37–38, 44; secluded lifestyle, 65; self-
accusation for fathering son Eduard,
75; self-description, 439; successful
work as consolation for imperfect off-
spring, 72
Amsterdam, on sightseeing in, 223
Anschütz’s hospitality, 430–431
Anschütz-Stöve, Reta, on, 431
Aphorism: 581c; on judgment, 597c
Berlin physicists, first visit with, 21n
Berliners, on character of, 23
Boas, Ismar, diagnoses AE with liver con-
dition, 70, 72
Bohr, Niels: deep sympathy for, 244, 246;
has lunch in Dahlem with, 322n; looks
forward to meeting in Copenhagen,
244; praises, 364
Boltzmann, Ludwig, 340
Born, Hedwig, on temper of, 495
Born, Max: on his plan to earn US money
for buying a house, 454; on his critique
of Einstein 1920f, 419; on spending
time with Borns during GDNÄ meet-
ing in Bad Nauheim, 419