CALENDAR 1920 5 9 5
The method is welcomed by astronomers. Because of Her-
mann Struve’s death, there is no member of the Academy
through whom he can submit his results to PAW for publica-
tion. Asks for Einstein’s help also in obtaining a position for
Rosenberg. [17 174].
2-page TLS from Wirtschaftshilfe der deutschen Studenten-
schaft, Amerika-Werkstudenten-Dienst. Solicits letters of
recommendation to American companies and influential
Americans to help find positions for German work study
students in the United States as well as names of German
personalities inclined to help the organization. [45 094].
before September 1 1-page ALS to Richard Fleischer. Compares writers of
newspaper articles and pamphlets about his theory of rela-
tivity with swarms of flies that are plaguing Berlin, includ-
ing Philipp Lenard, whom he describes as one of the best
experimental physicists in Germany, but one of the worst
theoretical ones, “und das Üble ist, dass er seine Grenzen
durchaus nicht kennt.” Sotheby’s Catalogue for 24–25 July
1993, lot 439. [79 436].
September 1 3-page ALS from Edouard Guillaume. Claims that Ein-
stein’s remarks in Doc. 109 are inconsistent with his
published work. Now asks that Einstein clarify his own deri-
vation of the relativistic Doppler effect. [11 545].
ALS from George Winchester. With reference to Einstein’s
interview on Ernest Rutherford’s production of hydrogen
from nitrogen, mentions that in his Winchester 1914 he
attempted to prove that hydrogen can be produced from
metals by high electric potentials. Robert Millikan confirms
that heavier atoms or molecules can be broken up into
hydrogen and some other substance. [45 260].
September 2 Second meeting against relativity at the Philharmonic Hall.
Planned talk of Oskar Kraus of Prague “Über die Unhaltbar-
keit der Relativitätstheorie vom philosophischen Stand-
punkt” was canceled because he did not want to identify
himself with the political orientation of the organizers. The
other lecturer, Ludwig Glaser, spoke about the problems of
interpreting the findings of the English eclipse expeditions
as corroborating general relativity, and about the extreme
complexity of measuring redshift. Vossische Zeitung,
29 August 1920, ME, Supplement 4; Berliner Tageblatt, 10
September 1920, ME, etc.