6 0 4 CALENDAR 1920
Tgm from Albert G. Schmedeman. Invites Einstein on
behalf of the University of Wisconsin to lecture there in
spring and summer semesters or summer and fall semesters
of 1921. Asks for an appointment while on a visit in Berlin.
[36 255].
November Dedication to Adolf and Friedricke Moos on a portrait:
“Onkel Adolf & Tante Ricke zum Andenken. Albert Ein-
stein. November 20.” GyUSA. [75 060].
2-page ALS from Christian Füchtbauer (to KWIP Kurato-
rium). For his intensity measurements of spectral lines
requests 2,500 M for an Auer lens, 2,200 M for light
sources, pressure and temperature gauges, and 2,300 M for
an adequate arrangement for photometry. GyBP, I. Abt.,
Rep. 34, Nr. 2, Mappe Füchtbauer. [78 035].
November 2 Visits Spinoza House, Rijnsburg near Leyden, with Harm
Kamerlingh Onnes.
Tgm from Albert G. Schmedeman (30 October, in Calen-
dar) is sent with slight variations to Leyden. [36 257].
November 3 Lectures in Hanover.
November 4 The session of the physical-mathematical class of the PAW
asks Einstein to deliver the scientific talk (Einstein 1921c)
at the public session commemorating Friedrich II, King of
Prussia, 27 January 1921. GyBAW, II-V, Bd. 134, Bl. 171–
173. [83 782].
AKS to Springer publishing house, sent from Amsterdam.
Informs Springer that he had delivered his lecture on ether
and the theory of relativity and now Springer may sell its
printed version, Einstein 1920j. GyHeidS, Mappe Einstein,
E-24. [71 434].
1-page TLS from James Franck. Thanks Einstein for the
10,000 M that the KWIP board of directors offered, and
informs him that Paul Knipping will construct the instru-
ment that automatically records the voltage of current
curves. Asks for permission to overspend if necessary and,
if not, to use for his own purposes what will have been left
from the total sum. GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 2, Mappe
Franck. [78 016].
November 6 2-page TLS from Helge Horst. Turns Einstein’s attention to
serious mistakes about Oersted that he found in the galley