3 9 2 I N D E X EINSTEIN, ALBERT (1879–1955) CAREER KWIP, asks Laue to substitute as director of, 219, 220 University of Rome offers professorship, 351 COURSES TAUGHT University of Berlin, 104 interrupts, 212 EVALUATION OF ABILITIES OF Brody, 108, 165 Engelhardt, 121 Dember, 239 Gans, 239 Grommer, 19 Hertz, 170 Wagner, 239 Wertheimer, 156 EXPERT OPINIONS Eisenmann, on invention by, 241 Goldschmidt, on patent of, 38 on gyrocompass, 126 Hausmeister, on invention by, 60 on legal dispute between Anschütz & Co. and Gesellschaft für nautische Instrumente, 120, 132, 135, 145, 184–185 on legal dispute between Anschütz & Co. and Kreiselbau, 28–47 on legal dispute between Sannig & Co. and Allgemeine Elektricitätsgesellschaft, 42 Löwy, on invention by, 22 FAMILY Einstein, Eduard (son) on character of, 263 on good health of, 17 Einstein, Elsa (wife), on illness of, 263 Einstein, Hans Albert (son) on character of, 263 congratulates on 18th birthday, 161 no need of excellent Matura, 161 on usefulness of learning to dance, 83, 136 Einstein, Pauline (mother), visits in Heilbronn, 12 Einstein-Maric, Mileva (ex-wife), on good re- lationship with, 17 expects sailing with sons, 70 Nobel Prize for sons, 344 playing music with sons, 83, 161 on vacationing with sons, 83, 161, 198, 218, 279, 237, 260, 263 FINANCES deposit at Zurich Cantonal Bank, 71 Ehrenfest on, 96 honoraria from Anschütz-Kaempfe, 28 for lecturing at University of Beijing, 132, 159, 237 for Paris lectures, 77, 105, 135, 152 from University of Leyden, 69 Kocherthaler, as depository, 57, 68 money transfer, 57, 160 Ehrenfest on, 43 monthly sum for Swiss family from Anschütz- Kaempfe, 107, 183 Nobel Prize, 341 PAW, on salary from, 389 royalties for and Dutch salary, 69 Einstein 1922m, 258 from Gauthier-Villars, 69 Methuen, 69, 248 planned Japanese collection of papers, 122 Winteler-Einstein, Maja, money for help in ill- ness of, 113, 119 INVITATIONS FROM Anschütz, to Kiel, 107, 184, 202, 384 to Mu- nich, 68 Barclay, for lunch, 110, 115, 117, 124 Borel, for dinner, 109, 115 Conseil de la Société des Nations, for Commit- tee on Intellectual Cooperation, 168, 176 Courant, to play music for Hilbert, 39, 44 Eclipse expedition, Dutch-German, declines participation, 151, 170 proposes substitute, 169 French scientists, Planck on, 87 Hopf, to Aachen, 127 Kármán, to Aachen, 127 Ligue des droits de l’homme, declines, 89 Ligue pour la defense des droits de l’homme et du citoyen, 99 Loeb, to longer visit in U.S., 275, 289 Mexican government, to take part in eclipse ex- pedition, 373 Société française de chimie physique, to dine with, 113
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