2 4 8 D O C U M E N T 3 1 7 I N M E M O R I A M R A T H E N A U want to discard. Please let it stand if you ever can bring yourself to do so. The rest of the entire manuscript is exactly as we had discussed.[6] _______________________________________________________________ Our [Au]-ion sample is more concentrated still—circa because first Methuen sent circa grams and we could obtain more here as well. We won’t be able to produce any more here for half a year, however, because we first have to obtain the raw material from Japan, as you know.[7] _______________________________________________________________ If you happen to have photos of little Albert and Eduard, I would like to get them.– Give my best regards to both the boys and tell them about us in such a way that when we see them later they will meet us with fondness! _______________________________________________________________ At the energetic advice of doctors and especially also of my brother, my wife finally decided—provided it is possible—to place Wassik in an institution. Every- one is unfortunately unanimous that he is a member of a very well-known type of idiot (“mongoloid”) that between the ages of 5 and 15 still possesses some capacity for development if appropriately treated. In favorable cases the final state then cor- responds to the intelligence of a normal 5-year old child.– Whether it’s possible to place him (we are corresponding at the moment with a developmental school near Jena) and whether it’s not yet too late to save my wife’s health, I do not know.[8] _______________________________________________________________ Warm regards to your wife—Ilse—Margotkins [Margoterl] from me!– I’m afraid I’m not going to be seeing you again for a very long time now.[9] You don’t need anybody—but I need you very much! Yours, P. Ehrenfest. 317. “In Memoriam Walther Rathenau” [Einstein 1922i] PUBLISHED August 1922 IN: Neue Rundschau 33 (1922): 815–816. My feelings about Rathenau were—and are—those of delighted admiration and gratitude for his giving me hope and consolation in the current dismal situation of 2.5 10 3– × 1.1 10 3– × 1.0 10 3– × [p. 815]