2 8 D O C U M E N T S 9 , 1 0 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 2 9. To Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe[1] [Berlin,] 9 January 1922 Dear Mr. Anschütz, So you really meant seriously to what you alluded, as I see from a message by my children.[2] I regard this more as a gift, not as anything merited by me and feel obliged to tell you explicitly that I view that statement by you as the expression of a fleeting emotion but not as an agreement, especially considering that the times are boding even more ill economically. I welcome the conversion to water filling, as no significant solid residue accumulates from the electrolysis. If only we suc- ceed in making the electrodes sufficiently resistant.[3] Wouldn’t an isolating layer with large capacity come into consideration for them? I am curious about Mr. Schuler’s results. Even if nothing is likely to come of it, a positive result would be hugely interesting so an attempt very certainly does seem justified. About the how, I and Dr. Schuler are in agreement.[4] The light experiment is finished now, with a securely negative result. The undulatory theory is therefore certainly refuted in the very area of optics.[5] Do tell Mr. Sommerfeld about it, who had been expecting the opposite result full of conviction.[6] It is a noble deed of yours to create the vacation asylum.[7] We shall see that we visit you there during the summer, if only for a short while. Albert has to cram for his finals during the summer vacation.[8] With best wishes to both of you for the year 1922 from me and my wife and with cordial greetings, I am yours, A. Einstein. 10. To Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn [Berlin,] 9 January 1922 Dear Sir, By the same post, registered, I send you the manuscript of my Princeton lectures with the request that it be printed as soon as possible.[1] Because no individual headings could be attached so as not to interfere with the style of a lecture, I have a few additions to make in the form of marginalia to facilitate orientation. For this reason I ask you please to leave room for these marginalia not only on the correc- tion proofs but also in the booklet itself. Furthermore, please send me a number of copies of the correction proofs so that I can give them to the translators.[2] Publi- cation of this booklet in Germany can only take place after the issuance in America, of course. Consequently, I request that you await my instructions in this regard.